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59 items found (Showing 1 - 10)
  1. Key Resource 2001/01/01 When organic material decomposes under anaerobic conditions, it produces biogas which is a mixture of methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) with small quantities of hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon monoxide and other compounds. Biogas can be used as a fuel source for cooking, heating, producing light...  
  2. Bio-slurry isa waste of biogaswith various benefits. Even though it is called dregs, bio-slurry still has many nutrients that are useful for agriculture and can also be used as a natural fertilizer. Just like biogas, the composition of bio-slurry is a combination of manure and water.To become...
  3. Bio-slurry is a natural fertilizer that contains a lot of nutrients. With these nutrients, bio-slurry has the advantage of improving soil structure. So, it is very suitable for land in productive areas which slowly becomes unproductive. Bio-slurry is a natural fertilizer that can bind soil...
  4. Bonten, L.T.C., K.B. Zwart, R.P.J.J. Rietra, R. Postma and M.J.G. de Haas, 2014. Bio-slurry as fertilizer; Is bio-slurry from household digesters a better fertilizer than manure? A literature review. Wageningen, Alterra Wageningen UR (University & Research centre), Alterra report 2519. 46...
  5. M Kusuma and R Afrianisa 2021J. Phys.: Conf. Ser.2117012007DOI10.1088/1742-6596/2117/1/012007 The demand for organic fertilizers in Indonesia is currently in a critical state. In 2015, it was noticed that the demand of Indonesia for NPK fertilizers reached over 6.5 million tons per year. Given...
  6. In recent times biogas technology is increasingly important around the world due to the requirements for renewable energy production, the need for recycling and reuse of materials and reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. Biogas addresses all the above concerns, using renewable inputs such as...  
  7. The Mafie family, Kaneli and Happiness, visited ECHO East Africa for the first time in March of 2016 to inquire about the use of slurry from biogas as a fertilizer. When visiting ECHO they were shown around the compound and learned various techniques of conservation agriculture that could help...  
  8. Moving towards energy self-sufficiency: addressing challenges to biogas technology uptake for improving rural livelihoods Improving soil nutrients by planting Jack Bean Parthenium hysterophorus
  9. 2016/04/12 When the organic matter decomposes in the absence of oxygen , it produces gas called biogas . This gas is a mixture of methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) with small amounts of nitrogen , hydrogen, carbon monoxide and other compounds. Biogas has multiple uses . To produce and capture the...  
  10. Parthenium hysterophorus is a noxious weed which invades roadsides, is allergenic for humans, infests pastures and farmland, causing disastrous loss of yield, as reflected in common names such as famine weed. In many areas, heavy outbreaks affect livestock health, crop production, and human...