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44 items found ( Showing 1 - 10)
  1. Michael Turner This book provides an understanding of the technical and managerial aspects of seed production and supply with particular reference to tropical conditions, which are inherently more challenging than thsoe of temperate environments. Available as a French download.
    631.521 TUR
  2. Agency for International Development & Samuel C. Litzenberger In the tropical and subtropical areas of the world, food grains make up the bulk of the diet for most people. Food grains together with fiber and specialty crops are also principal cash producers. It is with these commodities that this Guide for Field Crops in the Tropics and Subtropics concerns...
    633.009 LIT
  3. Carl Lindblad & Laurel Druben This Peace Corps book provides information on the challenges of grain storage including drying methods, insects, rodents, moisture meters, and waterproofing. No page numbers, illustrated 2 copies
    633.104 LIN | FA.012
  4. Jeffrey D. Sachs A respected international economic advisor and the director of The Earth Institute shares a wide-spectrum theory about how to enable economic success throughout the world, identifying the different categories into which various nations fall in today's economy while posing solutions to top...
    339.4 SAC
  5. Julia Frances Morton This 505 page book is an exceptionally exhaustive source of information on tropical and subtropical fruits. It is a well-illustrated and very readable, practical guide for those interested in growing tropical and subtropical fruits either for the home garden or commercially. The fruits are...
    634.091 MOR | PI.006
  6. David Cleveland & Daniela Soleri Food from Dryland Gardens encourages gardens that serve local needs, that are based on local knowledge, and that conserve natural resources and the biological diversity of traditional crops. It was written for field workers, extension agents, students, project workers, and program planners. Both...
    635.043 CLE | PD.043
  7. C.C. de Guzman and J.S. Siemonsma (Editors) Prosea volume 13 'Spices' focuses on the aromatic plants and their parts, fresh or dried, whole or ground, that are primarily used to impart flavour and fragrance to foods and drinks. The volume is closely related to Prosea volume 19 'Essential-oil plants' that deals with aromatic plants whose...
  8. Cobbinah, J.R.; Onwuka, B.; Vink, A. This booklet provides all you need to know to farm snails on a small-scale for your own consumption or for marketing locally. Attention is focused here on three major species common in tropical areas, and considers the limiting factors and the advantages to snail breeding and production. Pages :...
    639.483 AGR FRENCH
  9. Rima Mekdaschi Studer et Hanspeter Liniger (Centre pour le dévelopement et l’environnement, CDE) Ces directives donnent une vue d’ensemble des bonnes pratiques éprouvées de collecte de l’eau dans le monde entier. Celles-ci constituent un guide de référence pratique tout en offrant un support et une expertise technique spécifique pour l’intégration des technologies de collecte de l’eau dans...
  10. By B Abraham, O O AdeOluwa, H Araya, et al. In EDN 120, we summarized a document about SCI, the System of Crop Intensification, a methodology that applies SRI principles to crops other than rice. CTA (the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation) and SRI-Rice (the SRI International Network and Resources Center at Cornell)...