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6 items found (Showing 1 - 6)
  1. Key Resource
    2009-01-20 All plants need certain mineral elements for proper growth, development, and maintenance. The basic structure of all organisms is built of carbon (C), oxygen (O) and hydrogen (H). Plants obtain these elements from water (H2O) in the soil and carbon dioxide (CO2) in the air, so no input is...  
  2. Key Resource 2001-01-01 Food security in West Africa is challenged by complex issues, including rapid population growth, exploitation of nonrenewable resources, and chronic low soil fertility, but in this text experts from world agricultural institutions share their work to provide solutions. Topics covered include soil...  
  3. Key Resource 1975-01-01 In 1975, Let it Rot! helped start the composting movement and taught gardeners everywhere how to recycle waste to create soil-nourishing compost. Contains advice for starting and maintaining a composting system, building bins, and using compost. Third Edition. Stop bagging leaves, grass, and...  
  4. Key Resource 1994-03-15 This volume is the revised English translation of the German title, "Bodenfruchtbarkeit und Standortgerechte Landwirtschaft". It presents a range of practices conducive to sustainable agricultures, and is of particular importance for the development of smallholdings in the tropics. These include...  
  5. Key Resource 1991-02-01 Food from Dryland Gardens encourages gardens that serve local needs, that are based on local knowledge, and that conserve natural resources and the biological diversity of traditional crops. It was written for field workers, extension agents, students, project workers, and program planners. Both...  
  6. Key Resource 1998-10-01 Third Edition [library also has 2 copies of the 1975edition] People interested in tropical gardening or botany will find this an indispensable guide to several hundred species of plants with edible leaves. Leaves can provide high-quality food, and in the tropics, many are from perennials...  

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