- Abstract,International Journal of Applied Science and Technology, October 2012 Although, there are various reuses of grey water but this study is limited to one type of reuse- irrigation. The objective of this project is to design and construct a filter for grey water reuse for irrigation of not...
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- Abstract, Sustainability , 2018 In the context of increasing climate-related extreme events and other crises, the concept of adaptive social protection (ASP) has been recognized as a potentially effective policy response to reduce the impacts of these shocks and stressors on vulnerable...
- 2018-11-25 The University of California, Davis has opened registration for Class IVof the African Plant Breeding AcademySMin collaboration with The African Union New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) Agency, the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), The Alliance for a Green Revolution for Africa...
- Common Edible Plants of Africa References Lost Crops of Africa Volume Grains. 1996 Published by the National Academy Press Coursey DG (1976) The origins and domestication of yams in Africa. In Harlan JR et. al., Origins of African Plant Domestication, p. 383-408. Mouton Publishers: The Hague....