1. Access Agriculture Training Video Maize grains have to be very dry and clean before you store them. The grains will stay free of pests and diseases for a long time in a metal granary, if you store them correctly. Available languages Arabic Bambara Bangla English French Kiswahili Spanish
  2. Access Agriculture Training Video A traditional Central American practice is to bend over the maize stalk to help dry the maize and to protect it from disease and pest damage. If you do this at just the right time, you will harvest more. Maize grains keep growing until a black spot appears at the...
  3. Access Agriculture Video Your maize is mature when the leaves and the husks start to dry and turn yellow. Start harvesting improved varieties first and end with local varieties which are more resistant to pest attacks. Dehusk your maize in the field to avoid bringing pests to your home. Properly...
  4. Access Agriculture Video Pre-dry your maize before shelling it. Winnow the maize on a tarpaulin and sort it. Dry your maize under a hot sun on a tarpaulin, and turn it over regularly. Before storing the grain, measure the moisture level by checking the sound produced by the grain. Let the grain...
  5. Access Agriculture Training Video Apart from the improved mud granary, you can also use metal silos or bags recommended for storing maize. You can also use drums, or if you do not have any of these, use regular bags, but you should add a conservation agent, as regular bags are not airtight. ...
  6. Abstract, Catholic Relief Services Research, 2018 Approximately 25% of the world’s agricultural commodities are contaminated by aflatoxin and other mycotoxins, resulting in nearly one billion tons of food loss every year. Although there are multiple types of mycotoxins, aflatoxins are of...
  7. 2018-04-20 The introduction of Fall Armyworm (FAW) (Spodoptera frugiperda) to Africa in 2016 has raised concerns of possible widespread damage of maize and other crops. Stalk borers are a common pest of maize throughout Africa, causing modest damage virtually every year. Armyworms, on the other hand, can...
  8. 2011-10-20 A sample of 260 farm households that were randomly selected in Katumba ward, Rungwe district, Tanzania were studied for the effects of storage methods on the quality of maize grain and household food security using qualitative and quantitative methods. Maize storage problems, amounts of maize...
  9. Abstract, 2018, Mountain Research and Development Residue burning to prepare soil for maize growing deprives the soil of both protective cover and organic matter, and it exacerbates environmental issues such as Southeast Asia's haze problem. This paper reports on a study that evaluated the...
  10. Abstract, 2012, International Journal of Agriculture and Forestry The economics of production and profitability of intercropped pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp] genotypes with maize [Zea mays L.] and sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] were studied in two separate field experiments in 2007...