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Wax gourds are vining plants that produce large, round wax-covered fruits. Originally from Southeast Asia, the species is grown in many lowland tropical environments up to 1,300 m in elevation. The long vines may be trained along trellises or up buildings where they produce fruit. Fruits are eaten raw when picked young, or used similar to pumpkins when larger. Tender vine tips and seedlings discarded from plant thinning operations may be boiled and eaten as a vegetable. The seeds, like pumpkin seeds, also may be fried and eaten.

Wax Gourd

This accession produces large, oblong, white powdery melons that can be stored for months. 

Large Fruited

A very large, dark green waxy variety that lacks the powdery layer that is present on some wax gourd varieties. Average fruit weight is 10kg (23lbs).


Round variety about 15 cm (6 in) across. 

Upland Mix

Large, green gourd about 45-60 cm long. 

Buriram Short

Green gourd 20-25 cm long.