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  1. 1982-12-01 The purpose of this volume is to offer ideas for training Peace Corps Extension Workers who will work with agricultural development or agriculture-related projects. This volume is for Lead Trainers and trainers with the task of transferring agriculture extension, community analysis and adaptation...
  2. 1982-11-01 This volume was designed to serve as a resource for livestock trainers. It provides ideas on how to integrate livestock training with other componets into an Agricultural Extension training. It also provides technical guidelines to be used as resources. 396 pages, illustrated
  3. 1985-01-01 171 pages A World Bank and UNDP Symposium
  4. 1993-09-01 This manual grew out of both the teaching given at the seminar on extension and the ideas shared by the participants from their own experiences as workers in the field. 89 pages, illustrated
  5. 1974-06-01 7 pages, illustrated, photos
  6. 2017-01-01 This book (a) investigates the experiences and issues involved with rebuilding extension systems (including public sector, private sector, and non-governmental organization extension) in post-conflict settings, (b) evaluates the impact of different extension policy approaches and practice in such...
  7. 1978-01-01 The lectures reproduced in this book were delivered as part of an introductory course in agricultural extension at the University of Sri Lanka in 1974. 114 pages
  8. 2013-10-20
  9. There is enormous potential for digitalisation to help achieve food and nutrition security and resilience to climate change, as well as promote engagement of youth and women in agribusiness in Africa. But this potential will not be fulfilled by chance. At such a defining moment for this...
  10. Agro-Science, the journal of the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Nigeria, was borne out of the need for a forum and technical mouthpiece for the communication and extension of scientific and agricultural research in Africa Agro-Science is an international journal of high...