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  1. 2019-10-02 As one of ECHO Asia's Agricultural Trainers, Patrick has had the opportunity to visit and learn from over 150 partner farms across Southeast Asia. This session will highlight some of the broader successes and challenges faced by partners within ECHO's network, and those of the farming communities...
  2. 2019-10-01 Dr. Shafer will talk about his successes organizing profitable small farmer biochar social enterprises and also his newest project to create very low-cost field-to-market cold store systems that allow farmers to grow delicate, high value crops and get them to market in good shape. He uses a...
  3. 2019-10-01 Agroforestry systems are encouraged in farming systems in the developed and the developing countries, due to the multifunctional role of agroforestry in enhancing agronomic productivity, co-production of diversity of food products for balanced nutrition and provision of environmental ecosystem...
  4. This article is from ECHO Asia Note # 36. As an organization that seeks to equip people with agricultural resources and skills, we often find ourselves coming back to the seed. Again and again we witness the value saving open-pollinated seeds, shedding light on locally adapted and underutilized...
  5. 2019-10-04 How do you teach and equip an audience ofrural farmers, development workers, or seasoned professors, or all threeaudiences at the same time about saving seeds? Come learn and share tips and tools in training diverse audiencesabout the basics of seed saving and seed banking.
  6. 2019-10-04 Example of Value-added farm products- Turmeric operation at Aloha House, Palawan, Philippines
  7. 2019-10-04 Example of Value-added farm products- Straw Factory operation at Aloha House, Palawan, Philippines
  8. 2019-10-04
  9. 2019-10-04 In this workshop, the Global Seed Savers Philippines team will cover basic seed saving practices and tips. Some local ways of saving seeds will also be touched upon.
  10. 2019-10-02 Recycling food waste is still fairly limited, especially in low- and middle-income settings,although this is by far the largest fraction of all generated municipal waste. 40% - 60% oflandfill is food waste. Black Soldier Fly (BSF), Hermetia illucens, is an approach that hasobtained much attention...