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  1. Edible Portion: Cabbage, Fruit, Sap, Seeds - Coffee, Palm Heart, Vegetable, Bud A palm. It can be a stemless suckering bush or have a ring of suckers around the base. It often grows 3-6 m high but can be 10-25 m high. It can also be a many stemmed clump. The old stems hang over then curve upwards...
  2. Edible Portion: Fruit, Sap, Cabbage, Inner Stem, Shoots, Palm Heart A tall palm. It is unbranched up to 15 m high. The trunk is rough with persistent leaf bases. The trunk is 60-75 cm across. Thecrown is thick and half rounded to rounded. The leaves are grey-green or covered with a waxy layer....
  3. Edible Portion: Fruit, Leaves, Cabbage, Sap, Palm Heart A fan palm. The trunk is 15-20 m tall and 35 cm across. The leaves form a round crown. The leaf stalk extends into the leafblade. The leaf stalk is 1-1.5 m long. The leaves are blue-green. The leaf segments are joined for about 1/3 of their...
  4. Edible Portion: Nuts, Cabbage, Fruit, Palm Heart A fan palm with a short trunk. Sometimes it is creeping or underground. It forms clumps and is prickly. The trunks are slim andcan be 3-6 m high. They are covered with fibres and leaf bases. The trunks can form branches, especially if the tip is...
  5. Edible Portion: Fruit, Palm Heart, Cabbage A tall robust palm. It has a single stem and feather leaves. It has a wide spreading crown due to dark green arching fronds buttheir is no crownshaft. Often there are a number of dead fronds hanging from the trunk. The trunk is grey and grows to 20 m...
  6. Edible Portion: Seeds, Cabbage, Starch, Sago, Palm heart, Sap A small slender palm and the only representative of this genus in the Philippines which sends up shoots from the base of thetrunk, forming clumps. It forms a cluster of closely spaced stems. It can be 5 m high. The trunks are 5-15 cm...
  7. 1992-03-19 Rural women see their lives change Gardens give flavour to life Farmers hold on to their land Cabbage worse than opium? Making the most of little rain Environmental change and quality of life Women, trees and survival Household gardens Water committees take action
  8. Access Agriculture Training Video Most farmers confuse black rot disease with downey mildew. Whereas mildew starts as purplish irregular spots on the leaves, black rot starts as small, yellow-brown, V-shaped areas at the leaf margins. Available languages Arabic Bambara Bangla Chichewa / Nyanja...