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  1. 1981-01-01 Sets out to equip the sailor with the information needed to turn a boat into a survival retreat. Topics covered include - Gather and preparing edible seaweeds; Earning a living with your boat; Delicious no-fuel recipes; Survival tools; Long-term food storage; Vegetable gardening; Fully...
  2. The Family Preparedness Handbook serves as a compendium of family preparedness ideas. The main purpose of the handbook has been to organize some of the many ideas and methods currently available into a single volume to provide a framework on which families may rely for making the best of basics....
  3. 1972-01-01 his is a book about Burman and the foods they enjoy. - from American cake to Burmese Kaukswe -many dishes from other lands -Burma is considered a land of plenty, but some malnutrition -section on child care and feeding -a food shopping guide for Rangoon, Burma in l972
  4. This cookbook includes description of each seed and recipes to use the sprouts in.
  5. A collection of simple basic and international recipes. Includes a substitution listing. Valuable information for alternative methods of cooking, food preservation and health precautions.
  6. 2014-05-08 Cook with neighbors from around the world as you prepare flavorful dishes and feel the warmth of their kitchens. This revised edition ofExtending the Tablesimmers together the best-loved recipes from the first edition with the enticing flavors of new recipes.Extending the Tablecontains stories,...
  7. Since 1973, Storey's Country Wisdom Bulletins have offered practical, hands-on instructions designed to help readers master dozens of country living skills quickly and easily. There are now more than 170 titles in this series, and their remarkable popularity reflects the common desire of country...
  8. Passport to Survival is predominantly concerned with food preparation, preservation and storage with over 100 recipes.
  9. Not so long ago most fresh food on North American tables came from home gardens and local farmers markets. Today, the average item of food travels more than a thousand miles before it lands on our tables. It's a remarkable technological accomplishment, but has not proven to be healthy for our...
  10. The book lists a number of plants with a culinary history and suggests new ones, not in the wilderness where recent interest has already resulted in numerous books, but in your own garden where you like to work, relax and entertain, where familiar plants can play exciting new roles. We have...