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  1. Abstract,Applied Soil Ecology, 2019 Soils account for >80% and 20% of the total agricultural N2O and CO2emissions respectively. Soil management activities that target improved soil health, such as enhancing earthworm activity, may also stimulate further emissions of CO2and N2O. One recommended...
  2. 2015-03-28 This book is for anyone interested in learning more about worm composting or anyone ready to start their own worm compost bin. Each chapter was written to provide worm composting beginners with clear, accurate information about major worm composting topics. You will learn how to build a worm bin,...
  3. 1983-01-01 This publication discusses the raising of worms, how to market, and how to breed.
  4. Key Resource 1998-03-01 Worms are the latest (as well as, of course, perhaps the oldest!) trend in earth-friendly gardening, and in this handy guide, the authors of DEAD SNAILS LEAVE NO TRAILS demystify the world of worm wrangling, with everything you need to know to build your own worm bin, make your garden...
  5. Key Resource 1982-01-01 The definitive guide to vermicomposting-a process using redworms to recycle food waste into nutrient-rich food for plants. Newly revised and updated, this 162 page manual provides complete illustrated instructions on setting up and maintaining small-scale worm composting systems. Topics include...
  6. Key Resource 1977-01-01 This complete and informative text tells exactly how to get started in this fascinating and profitable vermiculture business.
  7. 2007-07-20 This article takes a fresh look at what is going on in the soil, especially in relation to soil organic matter and the organisms it supports; how this life in the soil is impacted by our land care practices; and how it in turn impacts the productivity of our farms.
  8. Worm or vermiculture is a useful technique for recycling kitchen and livestock wastes into a rich organic fertilizer, for producing high-protein feed for poultry and initiating a lucrative business selling worms and worm castings for the small farm. Worms are invaluable partners in building the...
  9. University of Maine Cooperative Extension educator Marjorie Peronto discusses the benefits and best methods of worm composting. Excellent information on using worms to make good stuff for your garden.
  10. Access Agriculture Training Video Earthworm compost can increase soil fertility and help increase the production of vegetables in poor and salty soils. Here we will learn about a fast and easy way to make earthworm compost on a small piece of land. Available languages Arabic AtesoAymara Bambara...