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  1. Session:This presentation will be co-presented through a combination of video and discussion. Village chickens play a vital role in the lives of rural poor, providing meat, eggs, and income from sales which meet family needs. They are generally owned by women and children and provide food...
  2. Session:Modifications have been done to make a lowest-cost direct seeder for single and multi-row applications powered by animal draught power, prototypes which will be viewed and discussed seeking improvements for wider experimentation across the region. Biographical information:Harold Msanya is...
  3. Session:WorldVeg has implemented a project funded by USAID on scaling home gardens with traditional African vegetables to improve nutrition of young women and small children, and enhance incomes. The session will focus on the diversity of species being produced, the choices of adoption of good...
  4. Session:ICTs can bridge the distance between farmers and extension officers through radio combined with mobile phones.Agricultural extension officers are an invaluable resource for farmers looking to increase their yields. Extension officers can provide tips on combating a new disease, or advice...
  5. Session:This presentation by Carbon Tanzania looks at valuing ecosystem services in Tanzania, how this is done by measuring carbon content, understanding land use change and how Carbon Tanzania links these landscapes to the carbon markets, providing significant income to communities in the Yaeda...
  6. Session:The session will focus on highlighting and sharing with the participants the lessons learned from implementing two food security programs promoting CA principles inEastern (Tharaka Nitii), Central (Muranga), Rift Valley (Nakuru) and Western Kenya (Busia) in the last 5-7 years.Even though...
  7. Session:The major factor in the increase in droughts across Africa has been caused mostly by the gradual death of fallowing, and the resulting decrease in rainwater infiltration from about 60% down to 20% in most areas. GM/CCs are the only feasible way to save Africa from the rapidly increasing...
  8. Biographical information:Ken Giller,Professor of Plant Production Systems, Wageningen University -joined Wageningen in 2001 after holding professorships at Wye College, University of London, and the University of Zimbabwe. He currently heads up a multifaceted project,N2Africa, which puts nitrogen...
  9. Session:Ken’s research focuses on smallholder farming systems in sub-Saharan Africa, and in particular problems of soil fertilitywith emphasis on nitrogen fixation by legumes and the temporal and spatial dynamics of resources within crop/livestock farming systems. Biographical information:Ken...
  10. Abstract,American Journal of Research Communication, 2017 January A rapid population growth rate couples with a diverse climate change, both associated to food and nutrition insecurity in Tanzania, calls upon a need to adopt and utilize more nutritious and stress tolerant food crop varieties....