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  1. 2019-02-26 The third in the series of “Beating Famine” Conferences is being planned for the Sahel. The focus has shifted from building awareness of FMNR (Farmer-Managed Natural Regeneration) and EverGreen Agriculture practices, to taking proven successes to massive scale. Invited participants from across...
  2. 2017-02-09 This session will demonstrate Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) as a low-cost, sustainable land-restoration technique used to combat poverty and hunger amongst poor subsistence farmers in developing countries by increasing food, fodder and livelihood production, while enhancing...
  3. 2011-10-20 World Vision (WV) Australia is involved in both agricultural development and relief work in East Africa. We asked folks there to answer a few questions regarding the current drought and famine. In what ways have you been involved with addressing the drought and famine in the Horn of Africa? Could...
  4. 1997-11-19 One of the immediate problems directly affecting agricultural output and quality of life in Niger is the severe deforestation which has occurred, particularly since the 1960’s. Simply planting more trees does not solve the problems. Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration is a practice that protects...
  5. 2011-10-20 The current drought and famine in the Horn of Africa are deeply distressing. The severe drought of the past year has put an estimated 12 million or more people in danger of starvation.
  6. 1998-05-19 A conversation concerning the difficulty of obtaining mulch in semi-arid areas.
  7. 2006-01-20 FMNR is a form of tree coppicing and hence depends on the presence of living tree stumps that resprout after cutting.
  8. This session introduces the scaling up CA programs and features the various aspects of the CFGB program, namely training, policy and marketing. The panel session provides sharing by one CA Technical Specialist, a Policy and Advocacy Advisor and a Marketing Coordinator. Moderator : Mueni Mutinda...
  9. 2008-07-20 Farmer Managed NaturalRegeneration (FMNR) can potentially have an enormous impact on the environment and the welfare of whole countries.
  10. 2014-03-20