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  1. Edible portion: Fruit A grape vine. The leaves may not have lobes or can have 3-5 lobes. They are green above and hairy underneath. They have shallow teeth. The flowers are in a dense panicle. The are 5-15 cm across. It is a temperate plant. In Canada it grows in dry woods.
  2. Edible Portion: Fruit A vigorous trailing bramble. This is a cross between a raspberry and probably a dewberry. The vine looses its leaves during the year. Plants are self fertile. The fruit is a berry. It is long and red but matures to a purple-black. The berry is larger than a Youngberry and...
  3. Edible Portion: Fruit An erect tree. It grows 5-12 m tall. It can be 30 m tall. It has yellow latex. The leaves are simple and opposite and narrowly oval.. The leaf blades are 8-25 cm long by 3-9 cm wide. The flowers are clustered in the axils of the leaves. They are greenish white. The fruit are...
  4. Edible portion:Fruit, Seeds - oil A small deciduous tree. It can grow to 13 m tall. It has drooping branches. There are thorns on the branches. The plant sends up thorny suckers often at a distance from the tree. These need to be cut off. They can be used for rootstock for grafting. The leaves...
  5. Edible portion:Leaves - Colouring, Fruit A large tree. It grows 25-50 m tall. The trunk is 1 m across. It can have slight buttresses. It is open with many branches. It loses some leaves during the year. The leaves are oval and have a rough surface. They can be 60 cm long. The flowers are in large...
  6. Edible Portion: Seeds, Stem, Cereal, Shoots A bamboo. It can grow 3.5-4.5 m high. The canes are olive green. The leaves are large and ribbon shaped. They are glossybut rough and whitened underneath. They are 20-25 cm long and 2.5-5 cm wide. The stems have brownish sheaths attached.
  7. Edible Portion: Shoots A bamboo.
  8. Edible Portion: Shoots A bamboo.
  9. Edible Portion: Shoots A bamboo. It has short rhizomes. The stems are erect and arching over. They hang down at the tip. They are 3-7 m tall and 1-2 cm across. The internodes are 30 cm long. The sheaths on the stems are sword shaped or curved back. They have whitehairs. The leaves are sword...
  10. Edible Portion: Shoots An erect bamboo. It forms dense clumps. It grows about 10-20 m high and 5-10 cm across the stem. The shoots are smoothand with shorter internodes than Schizostachyum lima. They are 20-50 cm long. The sheaths stay on the stem and havereddish hairs. The leaves are sword...