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  1. Edible portion: Leaves, Flowers, Leaves - tea, Vegetable A tree which grows up to 12 m tall and spreads to 10 m wide. It loses its leaves during the year. The crown tends to be flat. The bark is dark brown and smooth. The leaves are twice divided. Each primary leaflet has 20-30 pairs of secondary...
  2. Edible portion: Fruit A small deciduous tree up to 6 -10 m tall. In some locations trees keep their leaves throughout the year. It has a brown velvety tomentum on the under surface of the leaves. The leaves are 8-20 cm long and up to 10 cm wide. There is a single leaflet. The flowers occur either...
  3. Edible portion: Seeds, Leaves, Young pods, Gum, Caution A very large spreading tree. It grows up to 20-31 m tall. The trunk can be 1 m across. The trunk is light grey. The leaves are fine and drooping. The leaves can be light green or blue-green. The twigs are white and smooth. It has thorns...
  4. Edible portion:Leaves, Pods, Vegetable, Seeds - flavouring A small shrub or climber. It grows 1.2-3.5 m high. The stems have ridges and are softly hairy. The leaves have 3 leaflets. These are oval or sword shaped and 3-15 cm long by 1.3-8 cm wide. They taper towards the tip and are rounded at the...
  5. Edible portion:Leaves, Flowers, Vegetable, Caution An evergreen shrub or tree. It grows to 10 m high and spreads to 3 m across. The crown is irregular. The bark is grey. The stem is erect and branching. The young branches are hairy. The leaves are compound with 8 to 14 leaflets. These are 7 cm...
  6. Edible portion:Leaves, Fruit, Flowers A medium sized evergreen tree. It can grow 15-20 m high. The trunk can be 50 cm across. The trunk and branches are hollow. The leaves are large and have 7-9 lobes arranged like fingers on a hand. The leaves have lobes which are shield shaped. The leaves are...
  7. Edible portion: Fruit A small tree. It grows 4 m high. The trunk is 15-20 cm across. The new branches have a rusty colour. The leaves are alternate. They are 13-15 cm long by 3-4 cm wide. The flowers occur singly. They are near the ends of branches and are large. The fruit is compound. It is 8 cm...
  8. Edible portion:Fruit, Shoots, Vegetable A vigorous climbing palm. It has fairly stout, prickly stems. The stems climb with the aid of flagella. The leaf sheaths are woolly white. The leaves are spreading and pale green. They are about 1 m long. They are divided into many narrow leaflets. These...
  9. A tree. It grows 65-70 m tall. The trunk can be 240 cm across. The bark sheds in strips. It is a tropical plant. It grows from sea level to 1,800 m above sea level.
  10. Legumes Edible parts -Seeds, Leaves, Young pods, Spice, Flowers, Vegetable A perennial climber, although short kinds do occur. Often it is a more bushy plant than the sword bean. Plants up to 1.5 m long.Stems can be hairy. Leaves have 3 leaflets. The leaflets are oval and 5.7-20 cm long by...