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  1. Edible Portion: Fruit, Bark - drink, Kernel, Nuts, Seed An evergreen tree. It can lose its leaves. It often has buttresses. The bark is smooth and grey. It flakes off in thin strips. Itgrows to 25 m tall and spreads to 4 m across. It has a dense matted fibrous root system. The stem is erect and...
  2. Edible portion: Fruit A tree. It can grow 50 m tall. The trunk is straight and 1-1.2 m across. The base has buttresses. It can have stilt roots in flooded forest. The twigs are densely covered with grey hairs when young. The leaves are alternate and the leaf blade is papery. They are broadly oval...
  3. Edible Portion:Fruit, Vegetable, Tea A shrub or small tree. It grows 5-15 m high. The trunk is crooked and low branched and armed with scattered slender spines. The leaves are alternate, pointed at the base and rounded at the tip. The edges of the leaves toothed with rounded lobes. Leaves are...
  4. Edible portion: Fruit, Leaves - Tea A small tree up to 5-7.5 m high. It is often a much smaller shrub. Branches often develop close to the ground. The branches are thin and wiry. It has attractive oval and pointed leaves. They are dark green and shiny. The leaves are 2.5-6 cm long by 1.5-3 cm...
  5. Edible portion: Fruit, Kernel, Nuts A tree up to 8 m high. It can be 30 m high. It is evergreen and has an open crown. The branches are mostly horizontal. The leaves are oval but taper towards both ends. They can be 6-25 cm long by 2.5-8 cm wide. They are shiny and bright green. The leaves are...
  6. Edible portion: Fruit A medium sized tree. The crown is rounded and the tree is evergreen. It grows 10-26 m high. The bark is black. The leaves are glossy and dark green. They are 10-15 cm long. The flowers are of one sex and are yellowish green. The female flowers occur singly and the male...
  7. Edible portion:Fruit, Seeds - oil A small deciduous tree. It can grow to 13 m tall. It has drooping branches. There are thorns on the branches. The plant sends up thorny suckers often at a distance from the tree. These need to be cut off. They can be used for rootstock for grafting. The leaves...
  8. Edible Portion: Fruit A bushy deciduous tree up to 6 m high. It has irregular spreading branches. The leaves are oblong and narrow, often 12 cmlong by 4 cm wide. The leaves have fine hairs underneath. The leaves are dull green and smell when crushed. The flowersdroop or hang from branches either...
  9. Edible portion : Fruit A medium sized evergreen tree. It grows to 5-13 m tall. The trunk is 15-20 cm across. It often has several stems. The bark peels off in patches. The leaves are opposite and small. They are dark green. They are 5 cm long by 2 cm wide. Flowers are produced on larger trunks...
  10. Edible portion : Fruit, Seeds, Leaves, - Seeds-oil, Flowers, Roots A small tree or shrub 8-10 m high. It is evergreen. It has smooth bark which is mottled. The bark peels off in smooth flakes. The plant branches close to the ground. The branches are four angled. Trees are shallow rooted. The...