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  1. FAO-LAC with the support of Swiss Cooperation and Ministry of Natural Resource Honduras present in this video the technology of the household metallic silos to prevent postharvest losses and its impact on food security in Central America. Likewise the use of this technology and describe step by...
  2. 2015-01-20 The Technical manual for the construction and use of family-sized metal silos to store cereals and grain legumes was produced in the Division of Rural Infrastructure and Agro-industries (AGS) of FAO as a significant technical contribution to preventing losses in the post-harvest phase of grains...
  3. Abstract , Iowa State University, 2013 Maize grown by subsistence farmers is a staple food for millions of people around the world, especially in SubSaharan Africa and Central America. Following harvest and shelling, maize is subject to storage losses caused by birds, rodents, fungi, and insects....
  4. Abstract, The Journal of Veterinary Medical Science, 2014 Mycotoxins are fungal secondary metabolites that contaminate various feedstuffs and agricultural crops. The contamination of food by mycotoxins can occur before production, during storage, processing, transportation or marketing of the...
  5. Abstract, Toxins, 2017 Fusarium fungi are common plant pathogens causing several plant diseases. The presence of these molds in plants exposes crops to toxic secondary metabolites called Fusarium mycotoxins. The most studied Fusarium mycotoxins include fumonisins, zearalenone, and trichothecenes....
  6. More than 30 years ago, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) started a post-harvest programme in Central America named “Postcosecha”. The significant impact that was still evident long after the project end also continues to exist after the cessation of external support. The...
  7. 2005-01-20 When you are gathering all the tools and materials you need to build the first silo, you may not find everything on the list. Be resourceful. If you can’t find certain tools, ask the hardware dealer to help you. Maybe something else will work. Ask other metal workers or jewellers for advice about...
  8. Abstract, Foods, 2017 While fulfilling the food demand of an increasing population remains a major global concern, more than one-third of food is lost or wasted in postharvest operations. Reducing the postharvest losses, especially in developing countries, could be a sustainable solution to...
  9. Abstract,Advances in Crop Science and Technology, 2016 Sorghumand maize grain stored in traditionally prepared pit in Jigjiga and Awubarre districts of Ethiopian Somali region were evaluated for seven months after of underground storage. We collected data on socio-economic profile of survey...
  10. Abstract,Natural Resources Institute, 1995 Appropriate technologies for small-scale, on-farm grain storage in sub-Saharan Africa are reviewed and assessed in the light of the current pressures resulting from the liberalisation of grain markets. The study was based on a literature survey of recent...