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  1. The Members of the Coalition worktogether to lobby their national governments, European Union (EU) bodies (Council, Parliament and Commission) as well as other policy-formulating bodies/ agencies in Europe (e.g. the European Headquarters of the United Nations in Geneva and the FAO in Rome) to...
  2. The case studies in this collection highlight the value and benefits of pastoralism to the economy, the environment, and the culture of Africa. They demonstrate pastoralists’ essential role in land governance and their contribution to Africa’s sustainable development. Pastoralists live in the...
  3. Pastoralists make the most of resources distributed unevenly over space and time to provide a range of goods and services. Operating in a shock-prone environment, pastoralists deploy endogenous strategies such as mobility, diversification in agriculture or in non-agricultural activities,...
  4. This How-to-do Note focuses on how conflicts over land and natural resources in pastoral areas can be prevented or, if already present,transformed into positive outcomes.It identifies why land tenure is a complex issue within pastoralism, discusses the combination of factors that are contributing...
  5. This How-to-doNote (HTDN) onGender and Pastoralism complements theIFAD Toolkitalong with the 2018HTDN on Pastoralism, which highlights the importance of gender in pastoral production systems. ThisHTDN builds on these priorintroductions by highlighting important issues and the tools to use to...
  6. In Ethiopia, formal laws assert that women have equal rights regarding land use and access. However, the pastoral areas are often highly influenced by religious and customary systems under which women tend to have weaker land rights. The report“Women’s land rights: customary rules and formal laws...
  7. The Kenyan Government has passed laws that routinely undervalue pastoralists’ land and undermine pastoralism as a system of production and source of livelihood in the drylands. In his article “The unjust valuation of pastoralists’ land in Kenya”, published online inThe Elephanton 2 October 2021,...
  8. On 15 March 2022, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) declared 2026 the International Year of Rangelands & Pastoralists (IYRP). This final approval is the culmination of an IYRP movement that grew over several years to become a global coalition of over 300 pastoralist and supporting...
  9. The SNV learning brief “Strengthening pastoralist organisations for climate-resilient development” (2020, 8pp) highlights the central role that civil society organisations (CSOs) play in championing the interests of pastoralists in climate policy development and implementation, as well as...
  10. The Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has published “Pastoralism: making variability work”(2021, Animal Production & Health Paper 185, 58pp) written by Saverio Krätli and Ilse Koehler-Rollefsen with comments and guidance from FAO staff and pastoralist specialists...