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  1. This book was designed to assemble, in as complete and reliable a manner as possible, all the available information on the husbandry, health and production of the rabbit. It should assist in the development and implementation of rabbit-breeding programmes throughout the world, particularly in...
  2. 2003-04-20 Politically and economically, the ten plus years our family has been in Haiti have been rather tumultuous. There was a coup in October of 1991 against President Jean Bertrand Aristide, then four years of crushing embargo when gasoline cost $20 a gallon and neither tools nor parts could be...
  3. Access Agricuture Training Video Many producers raise rabbits because it requires relatively little space, little time and therefore lets you earn some money quickly. For the rabbit to grow well and multiply quickly you need to feed it well. Dry the wet fodder before giving it to the rabbit the...
  4. Access Agriculture Training Video Farmers in Kenya show us how they build a rabbit house using simple materials. Because rabbits do not sweat or pant to cool down, they will suffer in direct sun. It is therefore best to put a rabbit house in the shade. A raised house helps to protect the rabbits...
  5. Access Agriculture Training Video It is necessary to adopt good practices to ensure that your rabbits reproduce well, because there are many benefits. If you use good practices, your breeding does will be healthy and give birth to many baby rabbits that you can sell for a good price. Available...
  6. Access Agriculture Training Video Coccidiosis and colibacillosis are the most dangerous diseases in rabbits because they are highly contagious. Veterinary products cannot cure rabbits that have been infected with these disease. Luckily, they can be prevented, as we will see in this video. ...
  7. Access Agriculture Training Video In this video, we will learn how to monitor the performance of a rabbit farm. By filling out monitoring sheets with accurate information and by keeping a notebook to systematically record all expenditures. Thiswill enable better management of the farm and...
  8. Access Agriculture Training Video After the rabbit has her babies, she needs to be properly managed. This means creating good conditions for the baby rabbits and giving the mother some time to recover before breeding her again. Available languages ArabicBambaraEnglishFrenchLugandaTwi
  9. 1982-10-19 have talked with some development workers who have been very positive about the role of rabbits in their work. But others have been equally negative. Fremont Regier has worked for some time in Zaire and now in Botswana. He was recommended to me as one who is both successful and enthusiastic about...
  10. 1983-02-19 I asked this question of Fremont Regier in Botswana after he had been so kind as to answer questions reported in the last issue of EDN. His reply follows: "I've heard this argument before but I believe it is a rather ridiculous one. The problem in Australia was caused by the introduction of wild...