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  1. The Potato originally comes from the Andes of South America. It has been cultivated there for centuries. Potatoes can be grown at most latitudes, but tend to get more diseases in hot and humid climates, such as those at low elevation in the tropics. There are around 5,000 varieties of Potatoes in...
  2. Wild mung bean is a perennial, vining, nitrogen-fixing plant with edible beans and tubers. This plant is rarely cultivated but rather pods and tubers are collected from wild plants. It has potential for human food, as well as a green manure or cover crop.
  3. It’s no exaggeration to describe tubers, root vegetables (tubérculos,raícesorvíveresin Spanish) as iconic Dominican foods. If they were more photogenic they could easily claim a spot on the Dominican flag (not the edible variety) alongside the other national symbols featured there, if a vacancy...