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  1. Abstract, 2009 At the Visayas State College of Agriculture (ViSCA) on the island of Leyte in the Philippines, hydrologic and soil-loss measurements were recorded for 32 erosion events over 3 yr on three 12-m-long bare soil plots with slopes of approximately 50%, 60%, and 70%. Measurements...
  2. Abstract,The Solutions Journal, 2016 As previously stated, terraces are an obvious solution for agriculture in high declivity terrain. However, they also offer much more than just being soil and water retainers. A controlled height allows for greater soil depth than the natural environment could...
  3. 2011-02-01 Volume 3 takes the subject of better land husbandry further. The book first points out the sort of things which have been, and are being used, but are failing to deliver what is required. It then explains the causes of erosion, the theory and practice of soil and water conservation, and practical...
  4. 1995-12-01 Mountain agriculture has attracted attention both for its complex adaptation to particular circumstances, and for its marginality and instability in a changing world. Irrigation plays a range of roles in mountain farming systems and their dynamics or change. Hill Irrigation examines the...
  5. 2005-01-20 Sloping Agricultural Land Technology (SALT) has made steep worthless lands usable. This is a practice valuable to the tribal community. They are learning to stabilize topsoil with the proper selection of species. They can maintain their ancestral lands without having to destroy them through...
  6. 2008-07-20 Bone mealhas another use. You can overcome mineral deficiencies in cattle by making your own cattle lick or mineral block, using bonemeal as the source of phosphorous.
  7. 1999-10-19 Salt licks can provide the minerals that are often lacking, such as phosphorus, sodium, calcium and magnesium. Salt licks can be purchased to improve production, but limited cash and/or proximity to a town or village may prohibit doing so regularly. It is possible, however, to make your own salt...
  8. 2008-07-20 This method is designed to allow crops to be grown even onsteep hillsides with minimal erosion while at the same timeincreasing soil fertility and providing fodder for livestock.Rather than controlling erosion with rock terraces or ditches, SALT relies on rows of vegetation.
  9. This animation explains a method to test if your grain has a low enough moisture level for you to store it. This technique utilizes salt to help determine the moisture level in your grain. Scientific Animations Without Borders (SAWBO) is a university based program. SAWBO transforms extension...
  10. 2017-10-03 In this workshop, I will describe and diagram the common sloping land corn and rice farming system. I will then identify leverage points within the system and how development workers can work with farmers to make these systems more sustainable.