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  1. Edible portion:Leaves, Fruit, Flowers, Bark, Leaves - tea, Manna, Vegetable A small tree up to 9 m high but it can grow to 20 m tall. Often it is low and spreading. It has dark green toothed leaves. The leaves vary considerably in shape even on the one tree. They can be oval, heart shaped or 3...
  2. Edible Portion: Leaves, Herb, Spice, Flowers, Vegetable An annual herb. It is a sprawling plant. It can be 45-75 cm high and spread 45 cm wide. The stout stems and leaves arecovered with stiff hairs. The lower leaves are on leaf stalks that have winged extensions near their base. The upper leaves...
  3. Edible Portion: Seeds, Leaves, Calyces, Flowers, Vegetable, Fruit, Oil A very large tree with a straight trunk and height of 30-40 m. Trees can be 60 m high and the trunk 8 m around. It has largeprickly buttresses near the base. The branches come out horizontally and there is a ring of them...
  4. Edible Portion: Seeds, Fruit, Bark, Flowers It is a tree which loses many leaves during the year. It grows 9-18 m high. The crown is rounded. The trunk is short and straightand about 80 cm across. It often branches from the base. The branches spread out and the secondary branches hang down.The...
  5. Edible Portion: Flowers A woody vine. It is fast growing and keeps its leaves throughout the year. The leaves are compound with 2 or 3 oval leaflets.The leaves are in opposite pairs along the stem. The central leaflet can be a coiled tendril. The flowers are reddish-orange.They are tube shaped...
  6. Edible Portion: Seeds, Stem, Cereal, Shoots, Vegetable A bamboo. It forms clumps. It has strong underground stems. It grows 3-10 m tall. The lower internodes are very short. Thestems are tough and erect. They are smooth and olive-green. They are more yellow in the sun. They are 25-40 mm wide. The...
  7. Edible Portion: Leaves, Vegetable A shrub or small tree. It grows 3-8 m high. The leaves vary in shape. They are oval and taper to the base. They are thick andleathery. Leaves can have a range of colours. They are 10-20 cm long by 4-8 cm wide. Flowers are separately male andfemale. The male...
  8. Edible Portion: Rhizome, Tubers, Root, Vegetable, Flowers An upright perennial plant up to 1-2 m high and a spread of 1 m. The stem is erect and unbranched. The leaves are dull greenand sword shaped. The flowers are yellow and daisy like. It produces fleshy underground stem tubers of irregular...
  9. Edible Portion: Seeds, Sprouts, Leaves, Vegetable A herb. It is an erect or spreading legume. It grows to 80 cm high and spreads to 30-80 cm wide. It forms deep roots. It keepsgrowing from year to year. The stems are slender and hairy. The leaves are bluish green. The leaves have 3 leaflets like...
  10. Edible Portion:Leaves, Flowers, Vegetable A medium sized evergreen tree. It grows to 27-30 m high and spreads to 4 m across. The stem is erect and stout. It branches.The trunk is 60-80 cm across. The leaves are compound with an odd number of leaflets. These are oval. The leaves are 20-45cm long....