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  1. The BGET provides hands-on appropriate technology training and financial support to village innovators in ethnic minority areas on both sides of the Thai/Burma border. BGET’s Knowledge Base offers a wealth of technical downloads in English and Thai related to renewable energy technologies for...
  2. 1993-07-19 Wayne DeYoung in Haiti writes about a pump that he is sure will interest ournetwork. It was used in a water well project by Dan Cook and others in Haiti. Wayne believes that it has phenomenal value for many gardening situations along rivers or ponds or where a hand dug well is available. His...
  3. 2017-01-20 Esta publicación es el Capítulo 3 de Opciones para los agricultores de pequeña escala es un libro lleno de opciones prácticas para aquellos que trabajan para ayudar a los agricultores a pequeña escala y jardineros urbanos en los trópicos y subtrópicos, muchos que luchan para producir suficiente...
  4. 2015-10-06
  5. Abstract, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2017 The deficit in electricity and high diesel costs affects the pumping requirements of community water supplies and irrigation; so using solar energy for water pumping is a promising alternative to conventional electricity and diesel based...
  6. Hydraulic ram water pumps use downhill water pressure to pump water much higher than it started, with no other power needed. A 20ft fall is enough to push water 150 feet above the source or more. Or as little as a 2ft fall between the water source and the pump at a flow rate of 1 to 3 gallons per...
  7. Pumpmakersdevelopssolar water pumps andcontributes to reducing water shortages and poverty worldwide. We provide people with their own access to safe, clean drinking water – even in the remotest corners of the world – a worldwide network of fellow Pumpmakers,ANDwe assist and support all those...
  8. Millions of people around the world live with limited access to water. In many communities, ground water is extracted through electric water pumps, which use diesel to fuel their systems. However, these systems not only require costly, regular servicing and the purchasing of fuel, they emit...
  9. Even though solar water pumping is ready for mainstreaming and has started to take off in some parts of the world, its benefits remain largely unknown to communities, governments, and development institutions. To address this knowledge gap, the World Bank has developedan accessible and...