1. This handbook will help the sheep producer select production goals, select the type of sheep most suitable for a particular area, and will serve as a guide for the production of healthy sheep.Sheep are one of the most common livestock and among the first to be domesticated. They are very...
  2. 01-01-1976 Steven Thomas draws on his own experience as a subsistence farmer in Vermont to describe everything you need to know about selecting, and raising pountry, rabbits, sheep, pigs, goats and veal calves for you own use-on a small scale and economically.
  3. 01-01-1992 The purpose of the study is to recommend a strategy and program actions that will enable animal agriculture to contribute to the optimization of food production and human development in sub-Saharan Africa on an equitable, sustainable, and environmentally sound basis. The prospective users of this...
  4. 01-01-1994 109 pages, illustrated
  5. 01-01-1971 in order to get a more comprehensive picture of Heifer Project's field operations, our country directors were assigned topics which would elaborate on their particular program approach and allow all of us to learn from their special skills and experiences.
  6. This publication will attempt to give the reader an insight into the approaches and techniques that can be used in conduting method and result demostrations with limited resource, small and part-time farmers.
  7. 01-07-2003 Sustainable Agriculture Network This publication includes fourparts, alternative hog production systems, environmental benefits,marketing options for pork and community, family and lifestyle benefits. 16 pages, illustrated, photos
  8. This publication talks about energy and protein feeds and additives. It also discribes feeding the sow herd.
  9. This book discusses how the veterinary profession could play a more signifcant role in the swine industry thus improve improving both the profession and the industry.
  10. 01-01-1994 This book has been written in response to the growing interest in restocking with livestock following the drought of 1991-92 in eastern and southern Africa. It draws together the salient points from a number of rehabilitation projects in Africa, which can usefuuly help the practitioner decide...