Энэ нь Publication Issue Таны хэл дээр байхгүй байгаа, Нь харах: English (en),
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Edible: Roots, Leaves, Seeds, Flowers

A cabbage family herb. It is an erect annual plant. It has a round white fleshed taproot. It is often tinged purple. The leaves are divided and have hairs. Where the leaves join the root it is not raised into a "neck". There are Asian or more tropical varieties. These will produce seed in warmer places.
The wild form is a thin plant with leaves that clasp the stem. The pods are 4-6.5 cm long and have seedless beaks 2-3.2 cm long.

It is a temperate plant. It will grow in both the lowlands and highlands in the tropics but does best in the highlands between 1700 and 2600 m altitude. In Java it can be grown above 1,000 m above sea level. It is frost resistant. A temperature of 9-16°C is best. Also short daylength and cool weather are important. It grows in Nepal to 2500 m altitude. It suits hardiness zones 9-11. Tasmania Herbarium. In Yunnan.

Common Names: Wild turnip, Colza, Couve-naveira, Gantemula, Mortaga, Mostacilla, Mostarda, Mostaza, Nabica, Nabo blanco, Nabo salvaje, Nabo silvestre, Navina, Naviza, Ngedon, Nuucu, Pata de cuervo, Rave, Repollo silvestre, Shita, Tenjilo, Xartala, Yuyo


See Brassica rapa var. rapa
Brassica campestris var. rapa;
Brassica rapa var. campestris (L.) Peterm.;