Энэ нь Publication Issue Таны хэл дээр байхгүй байгаа, Нь харах: English (en),
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Edible: Flowers, Leaves, Vegetable, Seeds sprouts

A herb. It is a cabbage family plant which develops a thick white edible flower in the centre. These can be yellow or purple. It has broad leaves around a thick stalk. The leaves clasp the stem. The leaves are oval and fleshy. The flowers are yellow.

It is a temperate plant. It mostly grows in the highlands in the tropics but has been grown from sea level to 2600 m altitude. In PNG it is best above 1,100 m above sea level. It is frost resistant. The best temperature is 14-21°C. In Nepal it grows up to 1800 m altitude. It suits hardiness zones 8-11.

Common Names: Cauliflower, Bloemkoolblad, Blumkol, Coliflor, Cvetača, Hua ye cai, Fulkopi, Kalam dok, Kalampii dook, Kaule, Kol bunga, Koli flawa, Kori, Kubis bunga, Monla-paw, Pan-kobi, Pan-mon-la, Parbawr, Phkaa spei, Phool ghoni, Phul-kopi, Sofilera, Thaba-paw, Ye ts'oi fa


Brassica botrytis (L.) Miller;
Brassica cauliflora Garsault;