Энэ нь Event Таны хэл дээр байхгүй байгаа, Нь харах: English (en),
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2015 5 сар 12, 00:00:00 - 2015 5 сар 14, 00:00:00
The Aloha House and Natural Farm, Philippines
Presented By: ECHO Asia and Aloha House
Registration CLOSED
Register Before:

2015 5 сар 12, 00:00:00

Event Contact:

Rebecca Garafano (rgarafano@echonet.org)

This event features wide range of workshops covering topics such as: Natural Resource Management,  Soil Fertility of Tropical Soils, Foliar Fertilizers, Small-Scale Livestock Production, Perennial Vegetables of the Tropics, Aquaponics, the System of Rice Intensification, Mushroom Production for Profit, Intensive Nursery Management, Dairy Processing, and more.

All participants will participate in a seed exchange and receive a tour of the Aloha Farm.

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