1. 2018-08-14 Join us August 14-18, 2018 for the 11th World Bamboo Congress. This global event will take place in the beautiful city ofXalapa, in the state of Veracruz, at the Gamma Xalapa Nubara Hotel. The host of the 11th WBC is theBambúes y Forestales de México. The aim is to demonstrate the vast potential...
  2. 2018-01-20 Recovering the traditional culinary knowledge of women in Latin America and the Caribbean for food biodiversity management and enhancement This document reflects the integrated vision of agrobiodiversity with the role of women as guardians and protectors of foods of high nutritional value. Rural...
  3. It’s no exaggeration to describe tubers, root vegetables (tubérculos,raícesorvíveresin Spanish) as iconic Dominican foods. If they were more photogenic they could easily claim a spot on the Dominican flag (not the edible variety) alongside the other national symbols featured there, if a vacancy...
  4. DominicanCooking.com, and twin blogCocinaDominicana.com, are a collaborative effort from a pair of friends who share the love for the culinary in general, and Dominican Food in particular. We believe that our cuisine is rich, and that it ought to be promoted as healthy, varied and a reflection of...
  5. Miracles in Action has brochures about chaya available in English and Spanish. A collection of recipes for chaya, in Spanish, is also available for download: Chaya Folleto – Español Chaya brochure – English Recetas con Chaya Miracles in Action seeks out under-served pockets of need in rural...
  6. 2012-01-20 The chaya plant is native to the Yucatán Peninsula in Mexico, and to parts of Guatemala. It is similar to spinach and other greens, but grows on a bush that can get to 3 meters (10 ft.) tall and 2 meters (6.5 ft.) wide. The leaves are about the size of an adult hand. Chaya leaves are one of the...
  7. BORDA Las Américas works in four countries: Mexico, Cuba, Nicaragua, Haiti with its regional office located in Mexico City. As in many regions of the world, sanitation services such as wastewater treatment in Latin America and the Caribbean present great deficiencies.This deficit means that only...
  8. OUR MISSION The mission of Sustainable Organic Integrated Livelihoods (SOIL) is to promote dignity, health, and sustainable livelihoods through the transformation of wastes into resources. We achieve this through developing social business models around ecological sanitation (EcoSan), a process...
  9. Abstract, ResearchGate, 2017 Dry climate areas have reduced availability of organic waste an obvious disadvantage for biogas production. This obstacle can be overcome by developing energy crops well adapted to arid areas. In this context, opuntias among them, Opuntia cus-indica (L.) Mill. ...
  10. 2015-01-20 This report features the work of five distinguished specialists in agricultural economics. Shenggen Fan from the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) begins with an examination of trends in global food security. Fan’s chapter is followed by analysis by Piñeiro and Myers of the...