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40 items found ( Showing 1 - 10)
  1. Toby Hemenway Second Edition The first edition of Gaia's Garden, sparked the imagination of Americas home gardeners, introducing permacultures central message: Working with Nature, not against her, results in more beautiful, abundant, and forgiving gardens. This extensively revised and expanded second edition...
    635.048 HEM
  2. Jeffrey D. Sachs A respected international economic advisor and the director of The Earth Institute shares a wide-spectrum theory about how to enable economic success throughout the world, identifying the different categories into which various nations fall in today's economy while posing solutions to top...
    339.4 SAC
  3. David Cleveland & Daniela Soleri Food from Dryland Gardens encourages gardens that serve local needs, that are based on local knowledge, and that conserve natural resources and the biological diversity of traditional crops. It was written for field workers, extension agents, students, project workers, and program planners. Both...
    635.043 CLE | PD.043
  4. Scott Johnson Editor This handbook summarizes a three-year inquiry into best practices of partnership and organizational capacity building conducted collaboratively by the SIGMA Center at the Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve Univeristy; the Christian Reformed World Relief Committee and more than...
    302.35 CHR | DB.007
  5. Coconut (Cocos nucifera L.), we all know, is the proud owner of the distinction "Tree of Life." The tree provides mankind with food, shelter, furniture, novelty items, fuelwood, household implements, and important industrial products. In the Philippines, the decade of the 80's saw lumber from...
  6. Keith O. Mikkelson Copyright 2019 Keith Mikkelson – ECHO Asia Impact Center PDF available! CLICK HERE FOR OTHER TRANSLATIONS! Integrated livestock systems can provide many benefits. With careful planning and by starting small, most farmers will be able to incorporate cows, goats, chickens, or hogs and improve the...
    636 MIK
  7. Vernooy, R.; Bessette, G.; Otieno, G. (eds.) The Resilient Seed Systems Handbook Second Edition, developed by a multidisciplinary team of Bioversity International researchers and research partners, is a tool that supports research and capacity building on resilient seed systems in the context of adaptation to climate change. The first...
  8. Keith Mikkelson This book is an important work for tropical agriculture. There are very few resources that are truly "organic" and practical for the everyday farmer in the tropical setting. This book covers material that is extremely useful for the day-to-day operation of a farm or garden. It contains planning...
    630. MIK | SC.027
  9. N.K.Rao et al Seeds conserved in genebanks are a vital and irreplaceable resource for safeguarding future agricultural options. The capacity of genebank staff to apply good standards for seed handling is hence of critical importance. This is the standard reference for genebank work and one of the few sources...
    631.52 RAO
  10. (UNEP) United Nations Environment Programme, (UNCTAD) United Nations Conference on Trade and Development This study examines the relationship between organic agriculture and food security in Africa, particularly East Africa, which is where the CBTF has been implementing a project on organic agriculture since 2004. Organic agriculture is a holistic production system based on active agroecosystem...
    631.584 UNI