1. အဓိက အရင်းအမြစ် 1980-01-01 Become an Energy Farmer. This book is for any country in the world, not just the USA. If you want to plant something and have the sun, the rain and nature do the work for you of making your fuel to run your car or run a generator or to be converted to sugar and then to alcohol...or even plant...
  2. This publication discusses what it would take to make tree farming socio-economically viable and economically gainful \.
  3. Includes common names of multipurpose tree species described on enclosed fact cards.
  4. One of the main aims of this book is to benefit the rural people of Ethiopia by encouraging them to grow more trees and shrubs of a wider variety of species than they have up to now. It provides information on a selection of useful tree and shrub species for the range of agroclimatic conditions...
  5. 1992-01-01 This manual aims to provide readily-understandable technical information to help extension workers respond to farmers' questions on how to grow and manage trees for householduses or for local markets. Although the manual is, for the most part, a technical reference, it must be emphasized that...
  6. 1992-01-01 This manual aims to provide readily-understandable technical information to help extension workers respond to farmers' questions on how to grow and manage trees for householduses or for local markets. Although the manual is, for the most part, a technical reference, it must be emphasized that...
  7. 10992-01-01 This manual aims to provide readily-understandable technical information to help extension workers respond to farmers' questions on how to grow and manage trees for householduses or for local markets. Although the manual is, for the most part, a technical reference, it must be emphasized that...
  8. 1992-01-01 This manual aims to provide readily-understandable technical information to help extension workers respond to farmers' questions on how to grow and manage trees for householduses or for local markets. Although the manual is, for the most part, a technical reference, it must be emphasized that...
  9. 1992-01-01 This manual aims to provide readily-understandable technical information to help extension workers respond to farmers' questions on how to grow and manage trees for householduses or for local markets. Although the manual is, for the most part, a technical reference, it must be emphasized that...
  10. 1992-01-01 This manual aims to provide readily-understandable technical information to help extension workers respond to farmers' questions on how to grow and manage trees for householduses or for local markets. Although the manual is, for the most part, a technical reference, it must be emphasized that...