This session introduces the scaling up CA programs and features the various aspects of the CFGB program, namely training, policy and marketing. The panel session provides sharing by one CA Technical Specialist, a Policy and Advocacy Advisor and a Marketing Coordinator. Moderator : Mueni Mutinda...
Most of us are doing Community Development work whereby we want to see life-change to the people we serve and we also want to see the sustainability of our work...but the challenge is the approach and the attitudes we use towards Communities which at the end hinder success to our Community...
The desire to transform smallholder farming to feed the increasing hungry people, burgeoning population, and adaptation and mitigation to climate change is high. There is an obvious realization that it is smallholder farming and rain-fed for that matter that holds the promise to feed the hungry...
Official Welcome to the 2017 ECHOEast Africa Symposium on Sustainable Agriculture Best Practices (Feb 7-9) from Bruce Wilson, ECHO Director of Strategic Initiatives. Bruce will describe the resources, and then give a vision for a consensus on symposia in the future. ECHO has...
Soil degradation and rapid change are faced across Africa, and require attention to both old and new technologies. Over two decades of action research with farmers in Malawi has shown that smallholder food production and nutrition can be improved through biological principles and targeted use of...
Pigeon pea is an important green manure-cover crop with multiple agronomic and market impacts for small farmers, and fits ideally in a conservation agriculture system. Presenter : Said Silim has recently retired from a distinguished career in international development from ICRISAT, and helped to...
The presentation discusses gender in food security programs. The presentation shall focus issues of access and control and impact on food security. The break out session will conduct an analysis of gender in agriculture program and how to address gender gaps that promote continuous women...
2006-10-20 Food security in Burundi is under threat due to fears that an incurable banana disease, which has already been reported in several neighboring countries, could sweep across the nation.
Cover crops play a key role in sustainable agriculture by providing sustainable sources of nutrients as well as protective soil cover to minimize erosion and reduce moisture stresses. Examples of successful cover cropping systems in East Africa will be illustrated as well as constraints and...