यो Publication Issue आफ्नो भाषा मा अवस्थित छैन, हेर्नुहोस्: English (en),
अथवा गुगल अनुवाद प्रयोग:  

Edible: Leaves, Seeds, Vegetable

An erect herb. It takes 1 or 2 years to complete its life cycle. It grows to about 1 m high. The leaves have stalks. The leaves are half round or heart shaped. There are 3-5 lobes. The leaves are 5-11 cm long by 5-11 cm wide. The lobes are rounded and with shallow round teeth. The flowers have short stalks. They are pink or white. They are crowded in the axils of leaves. The fruit is flat and round and 5-7 mm across. The seeds are kidney shaped and 1.5 mm across. They are purple-brown.

It is a temperate plant. In Nepal it grows between 2000-3500 m altitude. It grows in moist soil near villages. It grows in Yunnan in China. In Sichuan and Yunnan.

Common Names: Mallows, Castillian mallow, Curled mallow, Auk, Bod cham, Boecham, Chamba, Chamla, Champa lhamo, Champa metog, Chinese mallow, Chyampa pho, Chyatalama, Cluster mallow, Ekituruguma, Iamuda, Har-a nogug-a, Icam pa, Jiangba, Jin kui, Lafesag, Laffa, Laphe sag, Majino, Majaino, Ma ning cham pa, Mikanchi, Napa shak, Ninagu, Nyiga, Suchel, Tangshang, Tsangs-spa-la-mos, Tugur nago, Whorled mallow, Wild Kui, Ye Kui


Malva alchemillaefolia Wall.; ?
Malva neilgherrensis Wight; ?
Althaea crispa (L.) Alef.;
Althaea verticillata (L.) Alef.;
Malva chinensis Mill.;
Malva crispa (L.) L.;
Malva meluca Graebn. ex Medw.;
Malva meluca Graebn. ex P. Medw.;
Malva mohileviensis Downar;
Malva pulchella Colla;
Malva pulchella Bernh.;
Malva verticillata subsp. chinensis (Mill.) Tzvelev;
Malva verticillata var. chinensis (Mill.) S.Y.Hu;
Malva verticillata subsp. crispa (L.) Tzvelev;
Malva verticillata var. crispa L.;
Malva verticillata var. verticillata;
