यो Publication Issue आफ्नो भाषा मा अवस्थित छैन, हेर्नुहोस्: English (en),
अथवा गुगल अनुवाद प्रयोग:  

Edible: Leaves, Flowers, Shoots, Vegetable

A low lying and spreading herb which has many branches. It continues to grow from year to year. It has a strong taproot. The stem and branches are up to 60-100 cm long and near the ends there are 2 lines of hairs along the stem. The leaves are smooth and attached to the stem without a stalk. They are opposite. The leaves are 1-10 cm long and 0.2-2 cm wide. The flowers heads are white and 5 to 7 mm long. They grow along the plant and do not have flower stalks. It flowers all year round. The fruit are oval and compressed on the side. The seed is about 1.5 cm across. When plants are growing in water the stems become hollow and the plants float.

A tropical plant. It grows in the lowlands and the highlands. It occurs in most tropical places. It is best in humid places. It is common in waste land at low and medium altitudes in the Philippines. It grows in open moist places from sea level to 2,000 m in Papua New Guinea. In Fiji it grows from sea level to 500 m. In Nepal it grows to 2400 m altitude. It can grow in arid places. It is best in alkaline soil. It can grow in seasonally water logged soils and near rivers and ditches. It grows in wetlands. In Yunnan.

Common Names: Lotus-seed Herb, Joyweed,  Aankhle jhar, Achoukpa, Agoman, Anambalaza, Anamalaza, Anambararata, Angone soppu, Atakuluesuan, Bayam tanah, Bayang krema, Bayem keremah, Bhringi jhaar, Bhringisag, Bocha, Bunga-bunga, Chakai-saranch, Chanchi, Chhenchi shak, Chibonchi, Chuk-tsit-tsoi, Dhwgong jile, Dwarf cooperleaf, E luo er la, Felikavola, Gamudi-sag, Gandi buti, Ganthiyu, Garundi arak, Gathni (Girni) sag, Geluti, Ghandugli, Giojihra, Gomi, Guinedene, Gundri sag, Gundru arxa, Guru-bhaji, Gwe, Ha-galdeb, Honagone soppu, Honogone sopu, Houngba, Houngbe, Ide, Imbuya, Jalajambe, Jibhkati, Jié jié huā, Kagama, Kalam sago, Kanchari, Kanchuri, Kanshinda, Keremek, Keremak, Kermak bukit, Khenchisak, Kindumbu, Kodukkachoppu, Koduppai keerai, Kozhuppa, Kuang kua, Lian zi cao, Lupo-lupo, Madanaganti, Madaranga, Matala, Mathi galdeb, Matikaduri, Minnamkkanni, Mkoswe, Mokunnu-wanna, Mucunuwenna, Mukunuwanna, Muti (Moti) sag, Ndumbwa, Nghate-ril, Nunia saag, Nunia shak, Pa biu, Pa lin, Pak-ped-nam, Paninibheju, Patang oying, Patur, Pazun-sar, Periquito-sessil, Phakchet, Phak kan tan, Phol-saranchi, Pokaty, Ponagani, Ponanganni, Ponangkanni, Ponnaganti, Ponnagantikura, Ponnankanni, Poonanghucunny keeray, Pounanganni, Pudoh, Pulagati kura, Racaba, Rau deu, Rau diep dai, Resang-mama, Salanchi-sak, Salanti, Sanchi shak, Saranchi sag, Saronchi, Sessile joyweed, Shalincha, Shanti shak, Taka ndumbu, Tandaleya, Tebetebe, Teta ndamba, Teta ndumbu, Tolod, Tomadohoungbem, Tshifumbe, Tsiataolana, U-tokreng, Vozane


Achyranthes linearifolia Sw. ex Wikstr.;
Achyranthes sessilis (L.) Besser;
Achyranthes sessilis Steud. ex Standl.;
Achyranthes triandra Roxb.;
Achyranthes villosa Blanco;
Allaganthera forskalii Mart.;
Allaganthera forskaolei Mart.;
Alternanthera achyranthoides Hiern;
Alternanthera achyranthoides Forssk.;
Alternanthera angustifolia R. Br.;
Alternanthera denticulata R.Br.;
Alternanthera ficoides P. Beauv.;
Alternanthera glabra Moq.;
Alternanthera major (Benth.) Domin;
Alternanthera nana R. Br.;
Alternanthera nodiflora R. Br.;
Alternanthera polygonoides (L.) R. Br. ex Sweet;
Alternanthera prostrata D. Don;
Alternanthera repens J. F. Gmel.;
Alternanthera sessilis (L.) R. Br.;
Alternanthera sibirica (De Vest ex Roem. & Schult.) Steud.;
Alternanthera tenuissima Suess.;
Alternanthera triandra Lam.;
Alternanthera uliginosa (Domin) Dinter;
Gomphrena brasiliensis Moq.;
Gomphrena polygonoides L.;
Gomphrena sessilis L.;
Illecebrum angustifolium Spreng.;
Illecebrum denticulatum Spreng.;
Illecebrum glabrum Spreng. ex Moq.;
Illecebrum indicum Houtt..;
Illecebrum nanum Spreng.;
Illicebrum sessile L.;
Paronychia dubia Moq.;
and some others
Telanthera amoona Regel