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  1. Uw handen goed wassen, is de beste manier om de verspreiding van ziektekiemen en ziektes te voorkomen. Vieze handen kunnen ziektekiemen dragen die een persoon ziek kunnen maken of ziektes naar andere kunnen verspreiden. Micro-organismen zoals bacteriën, virussen, parasieten, schimmels en diverse...
  2. The virus that causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is stable for several hours to days in aerosols and on surfaces, according to a new study from National Institutes of Health, CDC, UCLA and Princeton University scientists inThe New England Journal of Medicine. The scientists found that...
  3. These guidelines are focused on household settings and are meant for the general public. Cleaningrefers to the removal of germs, dirt, and impurities from surfaces. It does not kill germs, but by removing them, it lowers their numbers and the risk of spreading infection. Disinfectingrefers to...
  4. Will bleach kill the coronavirus? The Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization recommend (1,2) using a bleach solution asone wayto disinfect areas contaminated with the novel coronavirus. There areother cleaning solutionsavailable, including sprays,...
  5. MSU College of Agriculture and Natural Resources As we work to combat the novel coronavirus that causes the disease known commonly as COVID-19, we wanted to show you how to create and use a quick, inexpensive, and effective disinfectant for hard surfaces using liquid household bleach.
  6. Charlotte Baker, DrPH, MPH, an assistant professor of epidemiology at Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine in Blacksburg, Virginia, said your biggest risk at the supermarket is coming into close contact with another person who’s sick. That’s why it’s important to stay at least 6 feet...
  7. Doctors answer your questions about the coronavirus in Canada.
  8. Right now, there may be an invisible enemy ready to strike. He’s called BAC (bacteria) and he can make people sick. In fact, even though consumers can’t see BAC – or smell him, or feel him – he and millions more like himmay already be invading food products, kitchen surfaces, knives and other...
  9. Washing fresh produce with potable water treated with a sanitizing agent can reduce microorganisms and pathogens that may be on the surface of the produce. These potential problems include post-harvest rot and decay microorganisms such as spoliage bacteria and yeast, Botrytis, penicillium and...
  10. Dr. VanWingen, MD is a practicing family physicianin Grand Rapids, MI, USA. Hesaw a need to share COVID-19 public tips. His son Emmanuel recognized the need to use video and social media to get the word out. Hethen called his filmmaker friend Eric, and 4days later thisSafe Grocery Shoppingvideo...
  11. Hygiene refers to acts that can lead to good health and cleanliness, such as frequent handwashing, face washing, and bathing with soap and water. Keeping hands clean is one of the most important ways to prevent the spread of infection and illness. However, in many areas of the world, practicing...
  12. Now available in English, French, Spanish, Swahili, Italian, Chinese, Bengali, Bamanankan, Arabic, Vietnamese, Portuguese, Pidgin, Hindi . Others in the works. COVID-19 has now spread around most parts of the world. This animation addresses best practices to protect against Coronavirus through...
  13. Cada vez que compremos en el mercado o supermercado es muy importante desinfectar las frutas y verduras antes de cocinarlas y/o comerlas. Junto a Wuqu Kawoq|Maya Health Alliance te enseñamos cómo desinfectar las frutas y verduras.
  14. Todos los días tocamos varias superficies con nuestras manos, es muy importante desinfectar las superficies con cloro para matar cualquier virus o bacteria. Junto a Wuqu Kawoq|Maya Health Alliance te enseñamos cómo hacer uso del cloro para desinfectar superficies.
  15. Nuestro celular puede ser fuente de contaminación, por eso es necesario desinfectarlo todos los días. En este video junto a WuquKawoq|Maya Health Alliance te enseñamos a como desinfectarlo.