GODAN Open Data Management in Agriculture and Nutrition Annex 3:4: Farm Advice Through Open Weather Data

ECHOcommunity represents a vast network of agriculture and community development practitioners around the world. The sharing of information is a core value in this community of practice. We believe that in sharing knowledge, people are empowered to find, test, and improve available solutions. In order to facilitate this, ECHOcommunity makes available resources produced internally, and those shared by network members. This resource may not necessarily reflect the views of ECHO Inc.
Many organizations and individuals have chosen to distribute their work through ECHOcommunity. If you have resources you would like to share, we believe in giving credit where credit is due. Community Contributed resources remain the property of their creators, but can benefit millions of people around the world.
To find out more about the process of submitting work for consideration please read ECHO's Policy on Intellectual Property and Sharing.
ECHOcommunity.org is de gezamenlijke online lidmaatschap gemeenschap van ECHO, een internationale non-profit organisatie. ECHO bestaat om honger te verminderen en verbeteren van levens door middel van agrarische opleiding en middelen. Werken via regionale effecten centra over de hele wereld ECHO verbindt kleinschalige boeren en zij werken aan honger in de wereld te elimineren, met essentiële hulpbronnen, en met elkaar. Deze middelen zijn onder andere een uitgebreide kennisbank met praktische informatie, ervaren technische ondersteuning en een uitgebreid zaadbank gericht op zeer gunstig onderbenut planten.