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56 items found (Showing 1 - 10)
  1. Key Resource 2006-01-01 Dr. Martin Price, co-founder of ECHO and former head of ECHO’s Agricultural Resources Department, has said, “I would consider chaya to be one of the five most important underutilized food plants ECHO distributes. I give it this rank because of its ability to thrive in both arid and rainy regions,...  
  3. Key Resource 1987-11-01 This 505 page book is an exceptionally exhaustive source of information on tropical and subtropical fruits. It is a well-illustrated and very readable, practical guide for those interested in growing tropical and subtropical fruits either for the home garden or commercially. The fruits are...  
  4. Key Resource 1998-10-01 Third Edition [library also has 2 copies of the 1975edition] People interested in tropical gardening or botany will find this an indispensable guide to several hundred species of plants with edible leaves. Leaves can provide high-quality food, and in the tropics, many are from perennials...  
  5. 2010-12-20  
  6. 1996-10-19 Breadfruit Bread Storing Cooked Eggs What is the Hot Pepper Aroma... Pineapple Juice Shortens Cooking Time of Beans Squash Catsup Prepare Diffusion-Processed Sweet Potato at Home How Are Winged Beans Cooked? Winged Bean Recipes Food Cycle Technology Sourcebooks Book Review:Cultivos Andinos...
  7. 1996-10-19 Book Review:Agricultural and Horticultural Seeds Book Review:Cornucopia: A Source Book of Edible Plants Are Free Seeds a Good Idea? Seeds for the Americas Saving Seeds from Hybrids Bamboo Breeding Where Can I Find Seed for Breadfruit? How to Produce Carrot Seed Where Winters Are Not Cold How Far...
  8. Session:Fresh breadfruit is delicious but the real commercial potential lies with post-harvest products. In this session the array of retail breadfruit products being produced for local and export markets will be discussed. This includes flour, snack bars, pancake mixes, pizelles, tostones,...  
  9. 2019-11-20 Session :Fresh breadfruit is delicious but the real commercial potential lies with post-harvest products. In this session the array of retail breadfruit products being produced for local and export markets will be discussed. This includes flour, snack bars, pancake mixes, pizelles, tostones,...  
  10. 2020-01-27 ECHO’s 26th Annual International Agriculture Conference was held in November 2019. Below are brief summaries of a few of the plenary sessions and workshops. These and other talks, video, and slide presentations are available on