1. The new SODIS manual presents an overview of the SODIS method based on 20 years of research and practice. It is structured into three parts: SODIS at a glance:The first part presents the basic facts about solar disinfection and the SODIS method, gives information about the history of the SODIS...
  2. 2016-03-01 Session: Water filtration methods including use of Biosand Filters and Hollow Fiber Membrane filters Aqua Clara's entrepreneurial approach to providing safe water for all communities Training for other organization's to replicate the BSF and HF filters for their organization. Aqua Clara...
  3. 2016-08-12 The Biosand Filter Construction Manual describes what a biosand filter is and how it works. It also describes the steps to construct, install and monitor Version 10 biosand filters. Available Online
  4. Key Resource 2005-11-01 Inadequate drinking water and sanitation are amongst the world's major causes of preventable morbidity and mortality. This book provides a state-of-the-art review on approaches and methods used in assessing the microbial safety of drinking water. It supports the rapidly emerging trend towards...
  5. 2002-10-01 Solar Water Disinfection (SODIS) is a simple, environmentally sustainable, low-cost solution for drinking water treatment at household level for people consuming microbiologically contaminated raw water. SODIS uses solar energy to destroy pathogenic microorganisms causing water borne diseases and...
  6. Key Resource 2009-08-21 Most water and sanitation facilities used by households or operated by small-scale enterprises were built without external support. This shows there are alternatives to the large centralized conventional systems. More importantly, small-scale solutions have proven to be cost effective....
  7. 2013-05-15 Sustainable Decentralized Water Treatment for Rural and Developing Communities Using Locally Generated Biochar Adsorbents An Introduction to Bokashi Fertilizers and Soil Amendments
  8. 1993-12-19 More information about using Moringa seeds for water treatment.
  9. 1996-07-19 Solar water disinfection can be used to reduce bacteria counts in small volumes of drinking water at the individual household level.
  10. 2013-07-20 ECHO Asia --The latest issue of Asia Notes (Issue 17, May 2013) contains the following articles: Sustainable Decentralized Water Treatment for Rural Developing Communities Using Locally Generated Biochar Adsorbents (by Josh Kearns, MS) An Introduction to Bokashi Fertilizers and Soil Amendments...