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ECHO conducts research, at its various regional centers and in partnership with others, to validate and adapt promising solutions to agricultural challenges faced by smallholder farmers. Topics are selected for relevance to farmers’ needs and potential for adoption in resource-constrained settings. Of interest are crops, practices, and technologies that help farmers store seeds, build soils, produce nutritious food, manage pests, and cope with adverse climate.

Research Blog

ECHO's research blog is where short updates about small projects are shared with the network. Typically these experiments are experimental or in progress, but show promise. We hope others may learn from or experiment with modifying these practices.

Research Posters

Research posters are often presented at ECHO events such as the ECHO annual international conference as well as regional symposium. Many posters are contributed by ECHOcommunity members from around the world on a variety of subjects.

Journal Publications

ECHO staff are often involved in the investigation of primary research questions in areas of sustainable agriculture techniques and practices. These publications are associated with various other institutions and therefore may be restricted to the access limits placed by those entities.

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ECHO Research Notes (RN)

ECHO Research Notes (RNs) share results of first-hand trials and experiments, done by ECHO staff or by network members. Material is authored by ECHO staff (past and present) as well as outside writers, all with experience and knowledge of their subject.

Research Newsletter

Goals of this publication are:

  • To present research-related opportunities for engagement with ECHO. A mix of options, some of which make sense for field studies and others for those in academia with access to laboratories, journal databases, and data analysis tools.
  • To facilitate the exchange of ideas and knowledge.
  • To provide updates on research happening at ECHO and across our network.

 Community Contributions

Research directed at assisting smallholder farmers may be considered for dissemination through ECHOcommunity. Posters, research blogs, and other research summaries are possibilities. For information about submitting research for please see the research collaboration page.