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Maize is an annual warm-climate crop in the grass family, thriving in open sunny environments with daytime temperatures of 20-24C. Maize is used fresh, frozen, canned, rolled and roasted for corn flakes, pressed for oil, or processed for ethanol as fuel. Maize is also an important feed source for poultry, swine and cattle. The whole plant is used as green fodder or as silage for cattle.

Hawaiian Supersweet #9

Corn, Sweet

Zea mays var. saccharata

A yellow seeded sweet corn developed specifically for the tropics by the University of Hawaii. Noted for its unusual sweetness and crisp texture. Green silks. This variety matures in 68-75 days or longer if grown in the winter months.

Hawaiian Supersweet #9 Silver

A white seeded sweet corn developed with 75% tropical parentage by the University of Hawaii. Related to the yellow seeded Hawaiian Supersweet #9. This variety is resistant to corn borer and maize mosaic virus.

Rio Grande Red

This variety was known as ‘Bloody Mary’ and has made its way around the US. We don't have the entire history, but it made its debut at a corn show in Chiacago in the 1870s, then made its way to Oklahoma, and then to Albuquerque in the 1950's. This accession/selection from Albuquerque was first listed in Seed Savers in the early 1970's and was grown along the Rio Grande. It was originally sold in the late 1800's as an open pollinated corn for finishing pigs. 

This dent corn dries well and makes a nice flour. It is used for livestock feed. It grows to about 2 meters in height and produces 1-2 ears per plant. The kernels are red with white spots. 110 days to maturity. 

Cubano Argentino

One of the parents of Tex Cuban maize, this variety is a tropical yellow seeded maize useful for silage and feed. It has done well on the ECHO Florida farm in the 2-4-2 maize trials. It is dependable and has shown resistance to lodging even with heavy rain and wind. It performs well in day-neutral zones. If used in more temperate zones, the plant will achieve tall green growth but will not tassel until day length shortens to 14 hours.

Painted Mountain

A beautiful, multicolor-kerneled flour corn developed by corn breeder Dave Christensen for production in the northern USA. It produces well in temperate climates and tolerates drought and cold. Ears are an average of 18cm long. Kernels are starchy and used to make flour and hominy. 70-90 days to maturity.

Tex Cuban

A white seeded flint-type corn developed by the University of Florida. A superior silage variety selected for high yield and nutrient content. The robust plant grows to a height of 3 meters, is tolerant of insects and diseases, and is adapted to heat and late season planting.

Naga Popcorn

Corn, Popcorn

Zea mays var. everta

From Northeast India. Small ears with hard, round, yellow kernels. Can be fed to animals. Hardy crop.

Naga Multi-Colored

Corn, Flint

Zea mays var. indurata

From Northeast India. Mid-sized ears with multi-colored kernels. Grows vigorously under suitable conditions


Corn, Flint

Zea mays var. indurata

Ranges from orange, light purple, to white. Heirloom variety from USA.

Samoeng Purple

Corn, Flint

Zea mays var. indurata

Grains are a dark purple color.

Chiang Dao

Corn, Flint

Zea mays var. indurata

Similar to Lampang variety. White color.

Lampang Popcorn

Corn, Popcorn

Zea mays var. everta

Small, dark red kernels.

Dark Red

Corn, Flint

Zea mays var. indurata

Wine red seeds with 19 cm pods. Grows vigorously.

Light Yellow

Corn, Flint

Zea mays var. indurata

Tall plant with slender, light yellow ears. Used for fodder.

Esaan Yellow

Similar to Hawaiian Supersweet #9. 111 days to harvest.

Silver Sweet Corn

Corn, Sweet

Zea mays var. saccharata

Similar to Hawaiian Supersweet #9. White in color.

White & Light Red

Corn, Flint

Zea mays var. indurata

Kernels are a range of colors: white, pale yellow, and light rose


Corn, Flint

Zea mays var. indurata

Faded blue kernels.

Flint Corn 16072

Oaxacan Green

A green dent corn from the Zapotec Indians in Oaxaca, Mexico. This corn is thought to contain increased genetic diversity and it does well in hot humid climates. Tall sturdy stalks do well with the three sisters growing method (corn, beans, and pumpkin). Plants can grow over 2m tall and produce 25cm long ears with emerald green kernels. Used to make flour.


A grain maize bred for early maturity and drought resistance. It produces good size ears and is ready to harvest in 90-100 days. The Katumani composite was developed for dry areas of Kenya. It is a short season maize that is resistant to maize streak virus. Good sized ears are ready to harvest in 90-100 days. White seeded grain corn.

Timor Island

Corn, Popcorn

Zea mays var. everta

Pearly white kernels.

Lampang Flintcorn