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Papaya is not actually a tree, but a large herbaceous perennial that can grow to 10 m in height. The fruits are born in clusters just below the point where the leaves emerge from the upper part of the stem. The fruits can be up to 50 cm long and 20 cm wide and have a thick, yellow to orange flesh that is typically eaten fresh when mature. To avoid sending out seeds resulting in unproductive male trees, ECHO purchases, from professional seed producers, seeds of varieties known to produce female or bisexual trees with the majority of trees being bisexual.

Improved Red Maradol

This variety produces fruit when the plant is very young and short. Fruits are firm and keep well. This improved variety was selected for productivity and deep red flesh. May produce fruit in as little as 7 months after planting. Average fruit size is 1.5-2.6kg. Seeds produce 66% hermaphrodite plants and 33% female plants. 

Known You No. 1

An F1 hybrid variety from Taiwan which has very large fruits, up to 3 kg, with yellow flesh. Tolerant to papaya ring spot virus (PRSV) and produces a 50/50 ratio of hermaphrodite to female plants. 

Red Lady #786 F1

An F1 hybrid variety from Taiwan with fruit up to 2 kg. It is a compact shorter plant with firm, delicious red flesh. Tolerant to papaya ring spot virus (PRSV) and produces a 50/50 ratio of hermaphrodite to female plants. 

Sunrise Solo

This pink flesh variety has fruit averaging about 500 grams. Sweet and mild flavor. Seeds produce 66% hermaphrodite and 33% female plants. "Solo" refers to the size of the fruit which is small enough for one person to eat. No tolerance to PRSV.

Sunset Solo

This variety comes from the same genetic parents as ‘Sunrise’. It has pink flesh and was selected for its smaller fruit, averaging about 450 grams, and its firmer texture (for a longer shelf life). Seeds produce 66% hermaphrodite and 33% female plants. "Solo" refers to the size of the fruit which is small enough for one person to eat. No tolerance to PRSV.

Tainung No. 1

An F1 hybrid variety from Taiwan which is taller and more productive than ‘Red Lady’. The red fleshed fruits weigh an average of 1.1kg and are delicious but not quite as sweet as 'Red Lady'. Some tolerance to papaya ring spot virus (PRSV). This hybrid has a 50/50 ratio of hermaphrodite to female plants. 

Waimanalo Solo

Waimanalo fruit weighs on average 680g and has sweet yellow fleshed fruit. A very high yielding variety with strong disease and insect resistance. Performs well in high moisure soil. Seeds produce 66% hermaphrodite and 33% female plants. "Solo" refers to the size of the fruit which is small enough for one person to eat. No tolerance to PRSV.


Sweet in flavor, this is a tall plant with long-shaped fruit.