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  1. This book is designed as a simple introduction to the more common leafy greens of Papua New Guinea. It is hoped people will take greater pride and interest in these plants and become confident and informed about how to grow and use them. Many of the local food plants that occur in every country...
  2. In a land full of beautiful, tropical, fruit, vegetables, nuts and root crops, sadly many people are starting to grow temperate “European” vegetables as they think they are more “sophisticated” or better. This is a tragedy for the health and well-being, of the people and the nation. Many of these...
  3. A brief introduction to the crops inMisima Island, Papua New Guinea.Misima is mountainous and densely forested. Mt. Koia Tau, at a height of 1,036 meters, is the highest peak of the Louisiade Archipelago.The island measures 40 km by 10 km and has an area of 202.5 km2.It has a population of about...

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