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PlantVillage is a research and development unit of Penn State University that empowers smallholder farmers and seeks to lift them out of poverty using cheap, affordable technology and democratizing the access to knowledge that can help them grow more food.

The name PlantVillage is to remind ourselves that growing more food for the planet requires the collective response one finds in a diverse interdependent community. It takes a village as the saying goes.

Our village is made up of people who come from different countries and have different skills - all sharing the same philosophy that the knowledge required to grow food should be available to every farmer in the world.

  1. PlantVillage is a research and development unit of Penn State University that empowers smallholder farmers and seeks to lift them out of poverty using cheap, affordable technology and democratizing the access to knowledge that can help them grow more food. The rich countries of the world were...
  2. Androidand Apple PlantVillage Nuru is a publically supported, and publically developed application that uses a digital assistant to help farmers diagnose crop disease in the field, without an internet connection. Developed at Penn State University the app uses Google’s Tensorflow machine learning...
  3. Android FarmerZone is the Dept. of Biotechnology’s (Govt. of India) vision of a cloud service that will offer AI-based advisories to help smallholder farmers increase their total farm productivity. The app provides advisories related to crop health, desired growing conditions, preferred seed...
  4. Avocado,Persea americana, is an evergreen tree in the family Lauraceae which grown for its nutritious fruit, the avocado. The avocado tree is large and dome shaped with oval or elliptical leaves arranged in a spiral on the tips of branches. The leaves have a red pigmentation when they first...
  5. The chickpea,Cicer arietinum, is a leguminous annual plant in the family Fabaceae grown for its edible seeds. The plant has a branched, straight or bending stem with small feathery leaves arranged alternately on the stem. The leaves are composed of 11–15 individual leaflets which are oval in...
  6. Cowpea,Vigna unguiculata, is a climbing annual in the family Fabaceae grown for its edible seeds and pods. The cowpea plant is usually erect and possess ribbed stems and smooth trifoliate leaves which are arranged alternately on the stems. The plant produces clusters of flowers at the end of a...
  7. Dill,Anethum graveolens, is an herbaceous annual in the family Apiaceae grown for its leaves which are used as a herb. Dill is a very aromatic plant with an erect growth habit. It possess branching stems and fine, soft, fibre-like leaves which are arranged into an open cone and are blue-green in...
  8. Finger millet,Eleusine coracana, is an annual grass in the family Poaceae which is grown for its grain which can be used for food or for brewing. Finger millet is a robust tillering grass which grows in tufts. It has erect, light green stems. The leaves of the plant are dark green, linear and...
  9. Garlic,Allium sativum, is a an herbaceous, annual, bulbous plant in the familyAmaryllidaceaegrown for its pungent, edible bulb of the same name. The garlic plant can either have a short, woody central stem (hardneck) or a softer pseudostem made up of overlapping leaf sheaths (softneck). Hardneck...
  10. Lemon,Citrus limon, is a small evergreen tree in the family Rutaceae grown for its edible fruit which, among other things, are used in a variety of foods and drinks. The tree has a spreading, upright growth habit, few large branches and stiff thorns. The tree possesses large, oblong or oval,...
  11. Corn,Zea mays, is an annual grass in the family Poaceae and is a staple food crop grown all over the world. The corn plant possesses a simple stem of nodes and internodes. A pair of large leaves extends off of each internode and the leaves total 8–21 per plant. The leaves are linear or lanceolate...
  12. Mango,Mangifera indica, is an evergreen tree in the family Anacardiaceae grown for its edible fruit. The mango tree is erect and branching with a thick trunk and broad, rounded canopy. The leaves of the tree are are shiny and dark green. They are either elliptical or lanceolate with long petioles...
  13. Mainly used as fodder crop. Generally it is fed directly to cattle or made into silage or hay. It produces huge biomass and can be harvested multiple times in a year which making it a good raw materials for biofuel production. Napier grass is planted in marginal lands and slopes to increase soil...
  14. Okra,Abelmoschus esculentus, is an herbaceous annual plant in the family Malvaceae which is grown for its edible seed pods. Okra plants have small erect stems that can be bristly or hairless with heart-shaped leaves. The leaves are 10–20 cm (4–8 in) long with 5–7 lobes The plant produces flowers...
  15. Onion,Allium cepa, is an herbaceous biennial in the family Liliaceae grown for its edible bulb. The stem of the plant is a flattened disc at the base and the tubular leaves form a pseudostem where their sheaths overlap. The leaves are either erect or oblique and there are 3–8 per plant. The onion...
  16. Peanut,Arachis hypogaea, is an herbaceous annual plant in the family Fabaceae grown for its oil and edible nuts. Peanut plants are small, usually erect, thin stemmed plants with feather-like leaves. The leaves are arranged in alternate pairs and have leaf-like attachments near the stalk. The...
  17. Pearl millet,Pennisetum glaucum, is an annual grass in the family Poaceae which is grown widely in Africa and India for its grain which can be used to make flour and other foodstuffs. Pearl millet is a very robust grass which tillers widely and grows in tufts. It has slender stems which are...
  18. Pigeonpea,Cajanus cajan, is a perennial shrub in the family Fabaceae grown for its edible pods and seeds. Pigeonpea is a highly branched shrub with a woody base, slender stems and trifoliate leaves. The plant leaflets are oblong or elliptical in shape and the leaves are alternate and arranged...
  19. Squash is the collective name given to several species of plant in the genusCucurbita, includingC. maxima,C. mixta,C. moschataandC. pepo, which are widely grown for their edible fruit. Squash plants are are herbaceous annual plants which are either trailing vines or bush-like in morphology. Vines...
  20. Sorghum,Sorghum bicolor, is an annual or perennial grass in the family Poaceae grown primarily for its grain. Sorghum has an erect solid stem with one or more tillers (additional shoot that grows subsequent to the parent shoot) and curving leaves which are arranged alternately on the stems and...
  21. Sunflower,Helianthus annuus, is an herbaceous annual plant in the family Asteraceae, grown for its seeds. The plant has a thick, hairy, erect stem which gives rise to a large flower head. The plant has large, broad lower leaves which are oval and arranged alternately on the stem and smaller,...
  22. The Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Current and Emerging Threats to Crops will be built on the global platform, PlantVillage, that The Pennsylvania State University has developed in partnership with the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization (UN FAO), Consultative Group on...
  23. Fall Army Worm portal on PlantVillage

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