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Session : The Horticulture Innovation Lab has worked to scale appropriate technologies across the globe for over a decade. Fruits and vegetables, while producing healthy products and sound investments, can have unique challenges. This talk showcases technologies to mitigate these challenges, while drawing upon the lessons learned and obstacles overcome in the pathway to scale. Featuring: Nethouse for pest management, Drying bead, Zero Energy Cooling Chamber, Solar Dryer, and DryCard.

Presenter : Erin McGuire is the Associate Director of the Horticulture Innovation Lab. She specializes in appropriate technologies, monitoring and evaluation practices, and U.S. policy- driven initiatives. She has also worked as a researcher at UC Davis, where she worked with the D-Lab to set up and evaluate curricula in Honduras and Thailand (on a Horticulture Innovation Lab project) and with the UC Davis College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences International Programs Office on evaluating a call center efficacy in agricultural extension in Ghana and Bangladesh. Currently, Erin is a PhD student within the UC Davis Geography Department focusing on innovation systems.