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  1. Access Agriculture Training Video With empty fertilizer bags you can sew a container. Place layers of decomposable material in the container and water it. Put the earthworms in after one week. Cover the top of the bed with gunny bags and water it regularly. Make sure the compost is shaded from...
  2. Access Agriculture Training Video Vermiwash is the liquid that is collected after water passes through compost made by earthworms. It is rich in plant growth hormones, micro-nutrients, and major nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium. Available languages Arabic Bambara Bariba Bemba...
  3. Access Agriculture Training Video The clod breaker is a simple wooden tool made out of a cylindrical log with iron spikes. It can be pulled by animals or even by an adult person. By driving the clod breaker over your field in opposite directions, the soil will become loose, aerated and absorb...
  4. Access Agriculture Training Video For healthy crops you need a healthy soil, because a healthy soil contains many good microbes and earthworms. To prepare biofertilizer for half a hectare, you need 10 kg fresh cow dung, cow urine, flour from chickpeas or another pulse, jaggery or unrefined sugar,...
  5. Access Agriculture Training Video You can make a cage from bamboo to contain the crabs. Soft crabs must be separated so they do not fight and damage each other. Give each crab half of a tiny fish per day. If the crab has not eaten its food, it is sick and must be removed. In 10 to 15 days, the...
  6. Access Agriculture Training Video The snail meat is good for you, and richer in protein, iron and calcium than beef - and even liver. It is especially beneficial for children, and women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. Managing a snail farm is easy and does not require a lot of resources or...
  7. Access Agriculture Training Video By giving improved chickens green feed every day, we can satisfy part of their needs. However, to increase their production it is best to provide concentrate feed that contains a mixture of grains, oil cake, bran and shells. Available languages Arabic Bambara...
  8. Access Agriculture Training Video Grasscutter farming allows farmers to earn money while responding to the demand for meat without putting this species at risk. For successful rearing, you have to provide a proper habitat, monitor the animals carefully and provide a balanced diet. This video will...
  9. Access Agricuture Training Video Many producers raise rabbits because it requires relatively little space, little time and therefore lets you earn some money quickly. For the rabbit to grow well and multiply quickly you need to feed it well. Dry the wet fodder before giving it to the rabbit the...
  10. Access Agriculture Training Video Zero-grazing is where fodder is cut and carried to cows which are kept in stalls. It is suited to where land is scarce. When the manure that the cows produce is mixed with water it can provide the fuel for a biogas plant. The mix of methane and carbon dioxide can...