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  1. This paper presents an overview of the research and production status of Amaranthus. A brief review of the areas of production indicates that vegetable amaranth is grown mostly for home or local market consumption. It is an ideal hot-season vegetable for humid climates. Grain amaranth is...
  2. Work on the amaranth--that versatile, nutritious, historic, and symbolic plant of five continents and many centuries--has only just begun. It will get from the experimental agricultural fields to home kitchens, it will help feed the world's hungry, it will be restored to the place it once...
  3. 1984-01-01 This report, resulting from the panel's deliberations, is intended for agencies engaged in deveopment assistance and food relief, officials and institutions concerned with agriculture in developing countries, and science communities with relevant interests. This study is one of a series that...
  4. Notebook sections concerning amaranthus. Illustrated, photos
  5. 1981-01-01 Agronomy 523X Contains many sections, each with separate pages, illustrated
  6. 1981-01-01 This report discusses the compilation of data on amaranth germplasm. 57 pages, illustrations
  7. 2020-04-14 Have you ever wondered about the long-term impact of a project with which you were involved? Wouldn’t it be nice to know whether changes in a community lasted after an official program ended? Do you wish you knew what worked and what did not, so you could adjust for a more effective program next...
  8. 1979-09-01 Nitrate and oxalate levels were measured among a number of amaranth vegetable types over two growing seasons. It is concluded that the presence of these substances does not significantly detract from the excellent nutritional quality of amaranth greens. 25 pages, tables
  9. 2007-02-01 The objective of this newsletter is to provide the tools for an extensive and sustainable exploitation of amaranth. It alsoincludes answers to questions about amaranth and receipes for the use of it. 45 pages, illustrated, photos
  10. 1977-01-07 The purpose of this the first amaranth seminar in 1977, sponsored by Rodale Press, was to pool knowledge on amaranth in the hopes of spurring research efforts in the country and around the world. 129 pages, charts