Nigerian Pidgin (pcm) | Change Language (Change Language)
  1. Edible portion : Fruit A medium sized evergreen tree. It grows to 5-13 m tall. The trunk is 15-20 cm across. It often has several stems. The bark peels off in patches. The leaves are opposite and small. They are dark green. They are 5 cm long by 2 cm wide. Flowers are produced on larger trunks...
  2. Edible portion : Fruit A small tree. The leaves are dark and glossy with a hard spiny tip. The fruit are small and yellow. They have a white slightly sweet pulp. There are 1 or 2 large seeds. A tropical plant. It is cold hardy down to 0C. It can tolerate salty conditions. It suits lime soils.
  3. Edible portions : Fruit, Leaves A small evergreen tree. It grows up to 6-10 m high. The leaves are 10-30 cm long and with leaflets along the stalk. There are 7 -15 pairs of leaflets which are 7-10 cm long. The flowers are in open flower stalk arrangements on the ends of branches. The fruit is...
  4. Edible portion : Fruit, Flowers, Spice A small evergreen tree up to 7-10 m high. It can spread 3 m across. The stem is erect and short. Leaves are large. Leaves have from 5 to 17 or 34 pairs of leaflets. Leaves are pale green. The leaves are often clustered near the branch tips. Flowers are...
  5. Fruit, Vegetable Edible parts -Fruit, Seeds, Spice, Vegetable, Flowers A shrub. It grows up to 2-6 m tall. It has short thorns. It can grow up to 10 m tall. Usually trees lose their leaves at one seasonduring the year. The trunk is covered by reddish-brown bark. Trees often sucker near the base....
  6. Edible portion : Fruit, Vegetable A small shrub up to 2 m high. It is hairy or thorny. The leaves are large (60 cm) and angular and hairy on both surfaces. They have thorns along the veins. Young leaves are purple. The flowers are pale violet and 2-4 cm across. The fruit are produced in clusters...
  7. Edible portion : Leaves, Fruit, Flowers, Vegetable A low growing shrub with small red flowers. It continues to grow from year to year. It grows 0.8-2 m tall. It can grow 6 m tall. It tends to grow upright then falls over due to its weight. It branches little. Compound leaves on the sides of the...
  8. Edible portion: Leaves, Vegetable A shrub. It can grow 2 m tall. It can be a tree up to 7 m tall. It is a small densely shady, rounded tree. The central stem is about 10 cm across. The side branches are 2 cm thick and end abruptly. The cut stem exudes latex. Some varieties have stinging hairs on...
  9. Edible portion : Fruit A small tree. It grows 5-8 m high. It grows 10-15 m high in forest. The crown is oval. The trunk is 30-40 cm across. The bark is thin and peels off. The leaves are simple and opposite. They have short leaf stalks. They are 5-9 cm long by 2-3 cm wide. The flowers occur...
  10. Edible portion : Flowers, Leaves, Root, Bulb, Herb, Vegetable An onion family plant. It is a herb which keeps growing year after year. It can be 40 cm high. It grows in clumps. These onions have rhizomes but no real bulbs. The leaves are long and grass like, and flat and solid. They are 15-30 cm...