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  1. 1995-01-01 This booklet is for commerical greenhouse growers, farmers, serious gardeners and anyone who wishes to maintain a low ecological profile by reducing their use of chemical pest-control substances. It includes the general principals of biological pest control and agents of biological pest control....
  2. 2004-01-01 This article reports on the effects of ground powders of two tropical plants, Lantana camara L. and Tephrosia vogelii Hook. It looked atthe level of insect damage and the grain quality parameters of stored maize were evaluated for five months. Various page numbers, illustrated
  3. 1996-01-01 The use of plant materials for the protection of stored products against insect pests is reviewed. Following an outline of the different methods used for assessing their insecticidal activity, over 120 plants and plant products are listed alphabetically with a brief descritpion of traditional...
  4. 1987-01-01 This publication reports on a project on vertegrate pest management. Objectives for the project were to train personnel in pest management of rodents, fruit bats, and house crows and to organize and implement a pest management program to reduce agricultural losses, and to provide detailed...
  5. 1974-01-01 This informal presentation has been assembled in response to urgent requests of many of our gardening friends. 124 pages, illustrated
  6. Includes cultural method of pest control, biological pest control, encouraging predators, and botanical pest control. No page numbers, illustrated
  7. 1988-09-01 A partial research bibliography of the crested porcupine, genus Hystrix Technical Report #17 Government of Pakistan/USAID Project 16 pages, illustrated
  8. 1998-01-09 This discussion paper series presents technical research results that encompass a wide range of subjects drawn from research on policy-relevant aspects of agriculture, poverty, nutrition, and the environment. 53 pages
  9. 1987-01-01 Included in this publication are articles on biological control of citrus blackfly, white flies, certain citrus scale insects, Mexican bean beetle, and alligatorweed. Research 87, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida Florida Agricutural Research publication
  10. 2011-01-01 This booklet is an outcome of the African Organic Agriculture Training Manual project and was conceived as a handout for farmers. African Organic Agriculture Manual Booklet Series 14 pages, illustrated