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  1. 1988-01-01 This contains pest management strategies for a wide variety of tropical pests. 247 pages, illustrated
  2. 1994-01-01 From his own farming experience in Weeping Water, Nebraska, Jim Bender addresses in Future Harvest the crucial issues involved in developing a viable commercial pesticide-free farm with emphasis upon soil and water conservation. He examines the context of contemporary alternative agriculture,...
  3. Tropical Pesticides Research Institute (TPRI) started in the mid 1940’s when synthetic pesticides came into the market in East Africa and worldwide. Over the years, TPRI worked under colonial government, East Africa Common Services Organization (EACSO), East Africa Community (EAC) and currently...
  4. Poster - How to make a Natural Pesticide. Some natural pesticide ingredients and the pests they repel. Kilomohai Training Materials
  5. Abstract, PeerJ, 2019 Biochar, that is, carbonized biomass similar to charcoal, has been used in acute medical treatment of animals for many centuries. Since 2010, livestock farmers increasingly use biochar as a regular feed supplement to improve animal health, increase nutrient intake efficiency...
  6. 1992-06-19 The U. S. Department of Agriculture is recommending that home gardeners use a cooking oil spray to control aphids, white flies and spider mites.Researchers claim that the oil spray is only about one-third as costly as commercial pesticides with equivalent effectiveness. Recipe for an oil and soap...
  7. 1996-01-19 Information about controlling cassava mealybug (Phenacoccus manihoti) without commercial insecticides.
  8. 2009-04-01 In a recent publication of the Journal of Agronomy for Sustainable Development, researchers (Montes-Molina et al) found that the antibacterial properties of neem (Azadirachta indica) leaf extract significantly lower the soil population of the bacterium Rhizobium spp. in plantings of beans...
  9. 2015-01-28 An overview of various microbial pesticide options and how they are used.