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Utilizing Agroecology in your development work

Abram BixlerBiographical information: Abram Bicksler, Ph.D., is the President/CEO of ECHO, a global Christian technical resourcing and networking organization based in Fort Myers, Florida. He is responsible for leading the overall global programs and operations of the organization in order to help it achieve its vision of Honoring God by empowering the undernourished with sustainable hunger solutions. With more than 15 years of international experience, including five years as Director of ECHO’s Asia Regional Impact Center from 2013-2018, Bicksler most recently served as an Agricultural Officer in the agroecology team at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in Rome, Italy. He is passionate about holistic mission and empowering people to use their gifts, skills, education and experiences to bring healing to people and the creation.
Session: Agroecology is quickly gaining traction around the world as a science, practice, and social movement to make transformational changes to our food systems. Often described as the utilization of ecological concepts and principles to the design and management of sustainable food systems, agroecology offers a way forward to benefit individuals, communities, economies, and the environment holistically while contributing to multi-dimensional sustainability. This talk will provide an overview of agroecology, an introduction to FAO’s 10 Elements of Agroecology, and ways that a diverse network of practitioners and development workers can use the 10 Elements to frame a systems-wide approach to sustainable development that puts people at the center.


Best practices, lessons learnt and challenges in implementing an agroecological transition model in Northern Tanzania

Ludovic JolyAyesiga buberwaBiographical Information: Ludovic Joly is working in rural development since almost 20 years. His 1st experiences were on local governance and territorial development, and then, since about 10 years, his focus is on the promotion of sustainable food systems using the principles of agroecology. Ayesiga Buberwa has 17 years of experience in the areas of Community Development programs, especially in sustainable agriculture and food systems. She has successfully managed different programs on nutrition, horticulture, and sustainable agriculture working with different donor organisations. Her passion and focus are on agroecology and sustainable food systems transformation and wishes to see this happening to her homeland, Tanzania.
Session: This presentation will focus on a case study in Karatu District where Iles de Paix is supporting small-scale farmers in their agroecological transition process at farm level. We will explore the best practices, lessons learnt and challenges as well as the multiple effects of agroecological transition for small-scale farmers and the communities. Why do farmers engage in Agroecological transition and what are the key factors to sustain and scale up this transition?


Promoting Community-Based Conservation – the JGI Experience  

Emmanuel Rogers MtitiBiographical information: Emmanuel Rogers Mtiti works for the Jane Goodall Institute Tanzania as the Senior Director for Programs and Policy. He has been with JGI since late 1996 working in different capacities mostly as the Program Director for a community-based conservation project for western Tanzania. He is now responsible for promoting integrated community-based initiatives and advising on conservation-related policies with the government.
Session: The presentation will focus on sharing experiences and lessons learned on promoting community participation and engagement for biodiversity protection. It will highlight the role of land use planning in promoting community conservation initiatives and landscape management. We will also discuss the need for alternative livelihood options in supporting conservation actions


Agroecological holistic perspective: an untapped potential in promoting Tanzania agriculture for sustainable food system.

Devotha Mosha KilaveBiographical information: Devotha Mosha Kilave works as a senior researcher at the Institute of Continuing Education, SUA. Her research interests include agrarian transformation, water resource management, gander, extension and outreach advisory services in agricultural and aligned sciences. Likewise, she works with Agroecology Hub in Tanzania (AHTZ), to contribute to agricultural transformation for sustainable food systems. 
Research on climate smart agricultural methods

Session: The presentation highlights holistic perspectives of agroecology in making agriculture more productive and ecological. It entails a holistic approach, seeking social, economic, and political change as well as people-led development. It explains the potential benefits, challenges, and opportunities of the agroecological agricultural system among smallholder farmers in Tanzania. Data and information from this paper are drawn from a literature review and the experiences of farmers in the Singida District. The presentation will also share policy implications on agroecological transformation for sustainable food systems.


Research on climate smart agricultural methods

George KarwaniBiographical information: George Karwani is a PhD student at Nelson Mandela University as well working with TARI- Selian since 2012. He conducts the research on land use, agro-ecology and smallholder farming systems in Tanzania and East Africa at large. He has been working with national and international organization projects such as Kagera Trans-boundary Agro ecosystem management (Kagera TAMP) under FAO, Integrated Soil Fertility Management -AGRA, CIMMYT-Taking Maize Agronomy to Scale in Africa (TAMASA). BGMF-AVISA project on pigeon pea- chick pea intercrops in Tanzania.
Session: Climate change is severely affecting crop production in semi-arid area in Tanzania. However, yield potential is greater from using a tied ridged system in combination with manure, drought resilient maize intercropped with pigeon peas compared to yields from conventional, non- climate smart management technologies. A study reveals the potential of climate smart agricultural practices which include intercropping technologies, drought tolerant crops, tied ridges and manure. This agronomic package in crop production is proving to be a climate change adaptation strategy for many drought prone areas of Tanzania.


Promoting ‘Maresha’ scale-up through mechanization service providers

Neil Miler Headshot Biographical information: Neil Rowe Miller serves as a technical advisor to conservation agriculture projects funded by the Tearfund UK and Canadian Food Grains Bank in eastern Africa.  His career spans 40 years working with small-scale farmers in the developing world as well as consulting for large-scale commercial grain farmers in the U.S. and running a non-profit agriculture training farm in central Texas.  Harold Msanya is an engineer by profession and has implemented community-based projects for over 20 years in Tanzania.  Major areas of interventions include: - Integrated Water Resources Management, Agriculture, Renewable energy, and appropriate technologies. For the last seven years, Harold has been working for ECHO EA as Innovation Coordinator, leading the Appropriate Technology section to work with small scale CA farmers to develop solutions for draft power and animal welfare challenges. Harold Msanya is an engineer by profession and has implemented community-based projects for over 20 years in Tanzania. Major areas of interventions include: - Integrated Water Resources Management, Agriculture, Renewable energy, and appropriate technologies. For the last seven years, Harold has been working for ECHO EA as Innovation Coordinator, leading the Appropriate Technology section to work with small scale CA farmers to develop solutions for draft power and animal welfare challenges.

Session: This presentation will entail discussion on the promotion of the ‘Maresha seed planter through the mechanism of private farmers who act as service providers for payment, and how the private sector can be an effective means of scaling up a project.


Up-Scaling the use of cowpea for improving food security and livelihoods in Tanzania

Mujuni Sospter KabululuBiographical information: Mujuni Sospeter Kabululu (PhD) is a Senior Reseach Officer at the National Plant Genetic Resources Centre of the Tanzania Plant Health and Pesticides Authority. He holds a BSc in Agronomy from Sokoine University of Agriculture in Tanzania, MSc in Tropical and International Agriculture at Goettingen University in Germany, and a PhD in Life Science and Bioengineering in Tanzania. He has worked with the World Vegetable Center (2004 – 2009), Sokoine University of Agriculture (2011) and his current employer from 2010 to date is the TPHPA.
works for the Tanzania Agricultural Research Institute-Selian and is a specialist on cowpea breeding.
Session: The session will focus on how cowpeas have potential as a green manure/cover crop to enhance soil restoration, and as an important food source both of leaves and pulses as a short-season crop especially viable for drylands. Cowpeas are an important source of nutritious greens and protein source. They fix nitrogen and are highly marketable. 


Production and justification for dryland maize hybrid seeds for local and export

Bryson BarikieliBiographical information: Bryson Barikieli is a plant breeder who works for Western Seed Company. He has a Diploma from Ilonga College in crop and livestock production, and in-service training from Kenyatta University, CYMMIT, LITA Tengeru and TOSCI in various subjects. He has held positions of farm and production manager from various institutions before coming to WSC.
Session: The presentation will highlight hybrid seed production versus GMOs, and give a justification for use of new dryland hybrid maize seeds to address the need for higher production, climate adaptation and pest resistance.


Creative capacity building to promote draft power and animal welfare 

EIAC Promo_2020 Harold Head ShotBiographical information: Harold Msanya is an engineer by profession and has implemented community-based projects for over 20 years in Tanzania.  Major areas of interventions include: - Integrated Water Resources Management, Agriculture, Renewable energy, and appropriate technologies. For the last seven years, Harold has been working for ECHO EA as Innovation Coordinator, leading the Appropriate Technology section to work with small scale CA farmers to develop solutions for draft power and animal welfare challenges. Livingstone Masija is a Community development professional with a Master’s of Cooperative and Community Development and over 10 years of experience working in the Animal welfare professions. Currently he is the 
Session:  The use of draft power to reduce human drudgery has been in existence in East Africa and other parts of the world for millennia.  While there is so much potential in using draft power, especially for small-scale farmers, there are also challenges that need sustainable solutions. Livingstone and Harold are going to share their experience, demonstrating the way they have been promoting animal-friendly draft power in northern Tanzania, using a methodology/approach known as Creative Capacity Building (CCB) which was invented by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology-D Lab. They will share practical testimonies which show that users of technology can take part in designing and developing solutions to their problems regardless of their level of education.


Agroecology in practice: the work of SAT Morogoro

Dr. Kizito MwajombeBiographical information: Dr. Kizito Mwajombe is an agricultural extension education and community development specialist experienced in promoting organic farming and agroecological practices. Much of his career he was a tutor and department head at the Livestock Training Institute in Tengeru and now at the Sustainable Agriculture Tanzania center in Morogoro. His passion is to improve crop productivity and enhance environmental conservation among farmers and other community members. He has worked to support policy dialogue to enhance public-private partnership to adopt agroecological practices and technologies. He supervises and mentors SAT facilitators to fulfill organizational activities and obligations. He graduated with a PhD in Agriculture Extension Education and holds a Master’s degree in Agricultural Education and Extension, a BSc in Animal Science from Sokoine University of Agriculture, a Diploma in Dairy Husbandry and a Certificate in Agriculture and Veterinary Science (AGROVET) from Livestock Training Institute, Tengeru in Arusha.

Session: The presentation will present the vision, mission, and approaches used by SAT. Common agroecological interventions of SAT will be shared and challenges faced, including milestones on enhancing wide adoption of ecological practices.


Economics and approach to successful smallscale greenhouse production

Harold PeetersBiographical information: Harald Peeters is Rijk Zwaan’s Development Manager for Africa, as well as the Assistant General Manager of Rijk Zwaan and founder of Afrisem Seed Company. He is passionate about improving the livelihoods of African farmers. He has been working for the past 3 decades in mainly Tanzania in development, agricultural and horticultural sectors. During those years, from countless visits in remote production areas he grew a deep understanding of rural development and the role of agriculture in daily life.

Session: Growing produce in protected cultivation (greenhouses) is a way to provide for local production, employment, a possibility to grow organic and a viable enterprise for women and youth.


Update on African Orphan Legumes and the registration of Lablab in Tanzania

Dr. Pavithravani B VenkataramanaBiographical information: Dr. Pavithravani B Venkataramana, is a Seed technologist and Molecular biologist presently serving as Lecturer in The Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology, Arusha, Tanzania. She has been working with the underexploited orphan legumes since 2011 to understand its potentiality and its possible contribution to global food security. For first time she has also developed EST- SSR markers in Dolichos. Has 10 years of research experience on some aspects of life sciences such as seed production, seed storage, seed quality, morphological and genetic characterization, development of genetic linkage maps , QTL analysis etc.
Session: Legumes are the chief source of global dietary protein for most of the small holder farmers. Although, there are several legumes existing, only few have been domesticated and utilized by the human community. Anticipating the most burning challenge on overcoming the adverse effects of global climate change and feeding the ever increasing human and livestock population, there is an critical need to explore the potentiality of the under exploited legumes to overcome the situation. With this background a set of under exploited legumes such as Rice bean, Moth bean, Dolichos lablab, Tepary bean, Lima bean, Horse gram and Bambara groundnut have been evaluated in comparison with common legumes such as Cowpea, green gram and Pigeon pea. The performance of the some of the above under exploited legumes prove to be well suited to African drylands enhancing the nutritional food security and improves the livelihoods of the rural people.




Tree seed selection, collection, preservation and germination

Fandey MashimbaBiographical information: Fandey Mashimba, the Principal Conservator (Seed Biology) of the Tanzanai Forest Service Directorate of Tree Seed Production is passionate about seed technology, conservation and ecology of threatened plants as well as population genetics of plants. Out of these also have been in tree seed laboratory and tree nursery silviculture and management. Fandey has been successfully engaged with several conservation initiatives ICRAF-CIFOR, EAPRA, IUCN, Botanic Gardens Conservation International, Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, Missouri Botanic Gardens and several other local organizations in the area of seed collection and currently working as the Head of Seed Biology Section at Tanzania Forest Service.
Session: The presentation pertains to the techniques of capturing the best genetic quality seeds and maintaining these qualities throughout the handling proceses. Different collection and processing techniques apply to different species, seed types, situations, and purposes. To maintain their potential to sprout, (or “viability”), seed must be collected, stored, and treated properly. Following these steps will ensure that your seeds germinate well, and that you will get the kinds of high-quality trees you are seeking from your efforts and at no expense. Content for this presentation will make you a skilled tree seed collector.


Agroforestry for Sustainable Land Management and Climate Resilience in Tanzania

Anthony KimaroBiographical information: Anthony Kimaro holds a B.Sc and M.Sc in Forestry at Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania and a PhD (Agroforestry and Environment) at the University of Toronto, Canada. He is the Country Representative for CIFOR-ICRAF in Tanzania since Nov 2011. Previously, he worked as a Lecturer at SUA (2000-2009) and Assistant Professor of Soils and Agroforestry at the University of Saskatchewan, Canada (2009-2011). He has over 22 years of experience in teaching and research in agroforestry and related fields including agroecology, bioenergy, carbon sequestration, resilient agriculture, sustainable intensification and landscape restoration. He has supervised and co-supervised 19 graduate students (13 M.Sc. and 6 PhD) from within and outside Tanzania, published over 100 scientific articles and several extension materials (guides, facts sheets and manuals).

Session: His presentation will discuss promising agroforestry technologies for land rehabilitation to improve crop productivity and resilience of farming systems and farmers in Tanzania based on research conducted by ICRAF and partners. Integration of high value trees such as for fodder, fertilizer and fruit restores degraded farmlands, diversifies production and income options and improves the adaptive capacity of farmers. Trees also regulate microclimatic conditions to improve agroecosystem resilience in addition to sequestrating large amounts (about 75%) of carbon stocks in farmlands while reducing pressure on native forests through wood supply.


Best practices to promote tree survival post-planting 

Dorothy NaitoreAlphaxard KimaniBiographical data: Dorothy Naitore is from Meru County, Kenya. She is married with three children, has a diploma in community development, and has over 22 years of experience in matters of environment, forestry, and climate change. Dorothy joined the TIST Program in 2005 and is a TIST Farmer, a TIST internal auditor, a team leader for expansion and marketing, and a member of the TIST Leadership Council. Alphaxard Kimani trained in financial accounting and currently takes a Sustainability in Michigan State University. He started a self-help group by the name Green Avenue Project (GAP) in 1999 whose core objective was tree seed harvesting, tree nurseries establishment, bird watching and identification, biodiversity clubs in schools and mountain clean up. He joined TIST in 2004 as a trainer, then a quantifier(cluster servant), then in 2008 was given an opportunity to start TIST in a place of his choice, Nyahururu, Kenya. He is currently engaged in TIST as a seminar facilitator for TIST expansion, marketing, field and desk audits. He is a board member of Clean Air Action Corporation(CAAC), and the Kenya Leadership Council in charge of marketing.

Session: The presentation emphasizes that tree survival and the creation of carbon credits depend on the leaders of tomorrow. We can plant trees, but we grow trees by growing leaders who know how to sustain them for many years.


Mobilising communities to accelerate ecosystem restoration - 

Noel MtengaHana GajdosovaBiographical information: Noel Mtenga is a Tanzanian environmentalist dedicated to working with the communities to preserve the natural beauty and ecological integrity of critical water ways in the foothills of mount Kilimanjaro and mount Meru. Hana has worked in business management and with rural communities in Tanzania for the past seven years. Giving back to the communities while protecting the environment has always been the core of her values. At The Kilimanjaro Project, she identifies and designs restoration projects and leads the organisation's overall operations. 
Session: We cannot face the climate crisis alone. We need solutions from grassroots communities, scientists, technology companies, governments and the private sector.  We need to create new pathways to share knowledge and best practice to accelerate ecosystem restoration. Let's imagine together what these new models can look like, to create access to global networks, that unlock access to financial and human resources that enable scale of nature-based solutions.


Reducing wildlife incursion on forest edges

Daudi Ngosengwa ManongiBiographical information: Daudi Ngosengwa Manongi is a specialist in meliponiculture, horticulture, agroforestry, environmental health and expert in agroecology, advocacy on local seeds and local food sovereign. He was nominated a landscape hero in 2020 by Global Landscape Forum, with a robust experience working with different Biodiversity conservation projects with different Implementers including, MME by BOS+, Strong by Trias East Africa, Kilimo Endelevu + by IDP, FFF by FAO, OYE by SNV, Treedom by ECHO EAST AFRICA, Pollinator Project by Tunza Bayoanuai and currently CROPS4HD By TABIO//SWISSAID//FIBL and AFSA. Fran Mahoney founded with Wild Survivors
Session: Crop-raiding by elephants can devastate small farmers, leading to food insecurity, lost opportunity costs, and even death, as well as negative attitudes towards elephants, but finding effective and inexpensive solutions has proven extremely difficult. Beehive fences surrounding crops fields with beehives attached to fence posts and strung together with wires may serve as a humane and eco-friendly way to protect crops from elephants. Beehive fences have benefited farmers in southern Tanzania, and projects elsewhere have begun to test them as well, sharing the success story protecting the research seed trails with farmers along the Makangara village in Lindi region from Elephants incursion through Beekeeping But several uncertainties, including their success at a scale that doesn’t just displace the elephants to the first unfenced farm, suggest they should still be used with other techniques as part of a toolkit to reduce human-elephant conflicts.


Strategies for NGOs to improve rural nutrition in vulnerable population groups

Elizabeth proscovia NdabaBiographical information: Elizabethproscovia Ndaba is a nutritionist experienced in designing, implementing and supervising integrated health programs at national and subnational level. She served as a nutrition officer in President’s Office Regional Administration and Local Government and as nutrition specialist in the Ministry of Health for seven years where she coordinated a number of health and nutrition projects/programs in collaboration with local and international stakeholders. Later, Elizabeth joined Jhpiego as a Senior Technical Officer - Maternal, Child Health & Nutrition for USAID funded project. Currently she serves as a health and nutrition technical team lead at World Vision Tanzania where she coordinates all health and nutrition interventions and lead external engagements to donors and government for appropriate sectoral responses. She’s passionate about women & children’s nutrition matters. In such regard, she founded a Lactation hub to support lactating women access right information and healthy-nutritious products during lactation and complementary feeding. She actively advocates for Exclusive Breastfeeding via her social media platforms (@lactation_and_beyond). She holds a Master degree in Nutrition from Michigan State University in the US and Master of Project Management Monitoring and Evaluation in Health from Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences in Tanzania. She is married and blessed with three wonderful children.
Session: Malnutrition is a major contributor to poor health and poverty among rural communities. Therefore, to improve the wellbeing of local communities, identification of signs and symptoms of malnutrition, poor health and the intersection between the two is critical. It is also important that the underlying causes of malnutrition and poor health are well understood. And lastly, to ensure sustainable solutions, there is need to leverage locally available resources in addressing these root causes.


Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) and Rainwater Harvesting uptake in semi-arid regions of Tanzania

Njamasi ChiwangaBiographical information: Njamasi Chiwanga works as the Director of Programs at LEAD Foundation - a local NGO based in Dodoma, Central Tanzania. Njamasi has been working with LEAD Foundation since it was established in 2011 and he played a big role in its establishment. Njamasi received the FMNR training back in 2012 when the technique was being introduced in East Africa by its pioneer - Tony Rinaudo. Since then, LEAD decided to adopt FMNR as its core intervention and has been implementing large scale landscape restoration projects using it. Today, LEAD is among the leading organizations that promote and scale-up FMNR and other semi-arid applicable interventions such as rainwater harvesting (half-moon bunds) among farmers and pastoralists in Africa.

Session: The presentation will highlight the successes, challenges, and best practices to mobilize community buy-in in the adoption of FMNR and rainwater harvesting.


Promoting Solitary and Stingless Bees

Warren SteynDr. Kathrin KrausaBiographical information: Warren Steyn is passionate about the smaller things in life: namely bees. He has been a beekeeper since he was young and started engaging with stingless bees in 2016 in Usa River, Tanzania. Ever since, he collaborates with local farmers and communities to encourage sustainable meliponiculture, the practice of stingless beekeeping and has a stingless bee honey brand called JustBEE. Dr. Kathrin Krausa an entomologist. Her research interests focus on social insects such as ants, termites and stingless bees as well as other solitary bees. She is currently a visiting scientist at the International Centre for Insect Physiology and Ecology, Kenya and the Aga Khan University in Arusha.

Session: Ever thought of bees other than honeybees? There are hundreds of different bee species in Tanzania providing vital services for ecosystems and humankind. This project gives riveting insights into the lives of bees. By raising awareness around their existence and diversity we fight their declines, pollination deficits and food insecurities.


Some practical lessons we learned in developing and implementing our agriculture program in rural Zimbabwe

Randy and Natalie WatsonBiographical information: Randy Watson founded Bopoma villages in Zimbabwe over 30 years ago. Randy is an interventional cardiologist in Ontario, Canada, directed clinical cardiology programs and cardiac catheterization labs and worked extensively leading multidisciplinary teams for care for heart attack victims and heart intervention programs. He interest in undergraduate, postgraduate, and continuing medical education led him to travel to Zimbabwe in 2009, which proved to be a life-changing journey. Randy felt God’s call on his life to help bring health, hope and opportunity to the people of Zimbabwe; he cofounded (with his wife Natalie) and serves as Executive Director of Bopoma Villages. Natalie Watson’s training is in law which she practiced as family law and for the Ontario government as a policy advisor on laws and programs affecting children and families. She retired in 2003 to devote her time to her family and serving her church and community. She homeschooled her children, taught Sunday school, led the Alpha course, and volunteered with Prison Fellowship Canada. Her heart was captured by the people and situations she encountered on her first trip to Zimbabwe in 2010. Since then, it has been her joy to commit her time and energy to meeting the needs of children and families in rural Zimbabwe through her role as Managing Director of Bopoma Villages’ Canadian operations.
Session: We overestimate what we can do in one year and underestimate what we can do in 10!
Working with small communities: The presentation will address gaining trust, developing volunteer leaders, Identifying local needs and resources. Sustainability doesn’t just happen; beyond “I have taught, therefore they have learned” to behaviour change. Evaluate everything, reassess, refine your plan. Lessons learned: Integrating rainwater harvesting/conservation and agriculture programs.


Modifying Taungya system to promote soil and water conservation

Dr. Canisius KayomboBiographical information: Dr. Canisius Kayombo is an instructor at the Forestry Training Institute, Olmotonyi in the Division of Forestry and Beekeeping, Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism. He possesses a PhD in Botany from the University of Dar Es Salaam, MSc in Natural Resources Management (University of Dodoma), BSc. In Environmental Planning and Management (Institute of Rural Development Planning (IRDP) in Dodoma and an Ordinary Diploma in Forestry and Beekeeping (FTI-Olmotonyi, Arusha-Tanzania). He has participated in botanic surveys throughout Tanzania, having taken plant identification techniques at the National Museum of Nairobi-Kenya, Botanical Training Programme at TPRI, and plant identification techniques & research methods at Missouri Botanical Garden-USA. He is also a researcher in the fields of plant ecology, plant species diversity, biodiversity assessment, project development ecological impact assessment, quantification of standing tree biomass and aboveground carbon stock, assessment of tourism opportunities, determination of bee fodder plants (plants foraged by stinging honey bees). Robert Faida is the manager of the TFS Plantation Forest of Mt. Meru.

Session: The presentation will discuss recent changes being implemented in the TFS Meru Plantation Forest through the ‘Taungya’ management of land. Farmers contract to cultivate land which is planted to forestry species for annual crops until the tree canopy closes, but until recently, did not concern themselves with soil erosion. The presentation describes how new measures are being introduced to reduce the soil and water runoff onto village farmers downstream.


Urban forestry in a developing city – the case of Kampala

Padde DanielBiographical information: Padde Daniel is a forester with the Kampala Capital City Authority. He holds a MSc. In Environment and Natural Resource Management and a BSc. in Conservation Forestry and Products Technology. He is a Community member of the Tree Cities of the World, and was a keynote speaker in Planning and design of Urban Forests at the First African Forum on Urban Forest (UNFAO). He is also a member of Informal Experts of the UNECE/FAO.

Session: This presentation will focus on urban tree audits, forestry planning and their importance. Daniel will share about the UN-FAO Tree Cities of World recognition of Kampala for its impact on tree management through the transformation from a treeless downtown Kampala to treed streets and the opportunities for shoppers and businesses.


The role of credit to small farmers' enterprise development on sustainable agriculture and appropriate technology – the SIDO experience

Nina NchimbiBiographical information: Nina Nchimbi is a Regional Manager at Small Industries Development Organization - SIDO with over 8 years of experience in Micro, Small, Medium and Large Enterprise. Nina always ensures the stimulation of the Enterprise Development sector in Tanzania. By using the core functions of SIDO, she works to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the SMEs, employees, processes, projects, and organizations as a whole with productivity and quality.

Session: The presentation demonstrates the role and importance of credit services to small farmers which will enable them for their enterprise development to increase productivity and quality of their product by using appropriate technology and also value addition of their product. This topic will enable small farmers to understand the opportunities in financial institutions and all sectors. The presentation will equip them with knowledge on understanding of credit facilities, different technologies (appropriate technologies) in value addition, marketing aspects and information.



Informing farmers of organic options, receiving and giving farmers feedback by Smartphone / phones

Gladness Martin BrushBiographical information: Gladness Martin Brush is an agronomist by professional holding a Bachelor Science In Agronomy and Masters Science in Soil Science and Land Management both from Sokoine University of Agriculture.  She more than 8 years’ experience in working with small holder farmers in different aspects of capacitating and facilitating innovation of new agricultural technologies for improving and promoting agricultural production.  As a Programme Officer under SWISSAID, she coordinates research and advocacy for the Agroecology Project, is well experienced in working with national and international stakeholders. She has developed an interest on ICT platforms based on Agroecology. Macho Sauti is among these; through MS she promotes training, facilitating, and advising on development, designing and innovation of ICT platforms in local communities.
Session: The presentation demonstrates an ICT platform called Macho Sauti which was co-designed by farmers and scientists to serve as a digital extension platform. The effectiveness of this platform is shown by supporting farmers’ communication among themselves to share challenges they are facing in adopting AE and how they get expert’s advice (feedback). 


Social Inclusion

Jane SabuniMonica RitteBiographical information: Jane Sabuni is the Country Director for Hand in Hand Eastern Africa Tanzania, an international NGO that facilitates women to escape poverty through creation of sustainable enterprises. She has also managed a number of projects for Hand in Hand Eastern Africa- TZ i n the Northern Zone, Kilimanjaro and Arusha, for number of years. She has over 10 years’ experience in community development, project design and management, women’s economic empowerment, research and gender. She has also added value to a number of NGOs, civil society organizations, companies and social enterprises that empower women and community livelihoods. Monica Ritte works for Hand in Hand Tanzania with over 5 years’ experience in community development, project management, women’s economic empowerment and gender. Monica has mobilized, recruited, trained and empowered an extensive number of women, youth and their communities in Arusha.

Session: The session will discuss Hand in Hand’s work for the economic and social empowerment of marginalized women and their communities. It supports the creation of sustainable enterprises and jobs through community engagement, full participation in community socio-economic activities and addresses major challenges facing many small-scale farmers/entrepreneurs. Wth support offices from Hand in Hand International and Hand in Hand Sweden, HiH EA-Tanzania delivers interventions through a modular training program structured, a step-by-step approach over a period of five years. HIH’s experience of more than 10 years in East Africa informs how it implements its projects in Arusha, Kilimanjaro and Manyara regions. Hand in Hand Tanzania deliver its support on the ground in Tanzania through direct implementation through HiH- transformational model, which comprise of formation of self-help groups, business education, microfinance services and specialized skills training.


Factors affecting greater uptake of CA in East Africa - the CA Plus Model

Biographical information: See Biodata above on Neil Rowe-Miller.
Session: Conservation Agriculture (CA) provides clear soil conservation benefits, but meta-analyses from across sub-Saharan Africa indicate that CA on its own only provides a small increase in yields – not enough for most farmers to overcome food insecurity in the short-term. Taking a more holistic food systems approach to CA adoption, however, can result in much more significant increases in production, and dramatic improvements in food security even in the short term. This presentation will outline learnings from the Foodgrains Bank network in their nearly 2 decades of experience promoting CA, and will focus on their ‘CA Plus’ model.


Promoting Value Addition: Promoting Women processing groups 

Lyne UkioBiographical data: Lyne Ukio is a gender specialist and founding member of Women Development for Science and Technology (WODSTA), an NGO which promotes appropriate technologies among women groups. As Secretary General of WODSTA she has more than fifty years of experience as an educationalist, gender and development specialist focusing on the marginalized grassroots communities. She focuses on social-economic empowerment for women and girls, facilitates implementation of land rights, sustainable agriculture and renewable energy programs.
Session: The presentation will focus on women groups: Muungano wa vikundi vya usindikaji WODSTA-MVUWO. The groups have been capacitated by WODSTA on value addition of different agricultural products such as fruits, vegetables and honey. The purpose was to ensure women are enabled access reliable market for the processed and preserved fruits and vegetables as one of their sources of income generation which improves their livelihoods.


Using interactive radio to promote agricultural messages 

Method CharlesBiographical Information: Method Charles is a popular radio announcer on Habari Maalum Radio. A journalist of eight years in the news industry in Tanzania, he is most successful in promoting agriculture and health news especially in rural areas. In 2019, he was the Chief Editor of Habari Maalum Media and in 2017 he wrote agricultural news through an international website called under Farm Voice Radio International from Canada. Since 2021, his articles about organic farming motivate care of the soil, publishing through Mkulima Mbunifu magazine distributed free to farmers. His agricultural radio program Mafanikio Bora providing education on best agricultural methods has been aired throughout Tanzania and East Africa through radio partners. He also prepares health videos viewable on Youtube at the Africa Maternity Center and the Selian Ngaramtoni Hospital. He holds a Diploma in Journalism from Habari Maalum College and certificate from Musoma Utalii College.
Session: The importance of the media to motivate sustainable agriculture and care for the soil
The session will challenge agricultural stakeholders to use the media more fully to motivate people to adopt sustainable agriculture. Media can help reduce the number of farmers dependent on chemical fertilizers to grow their crops, impacting the number of users of organic agriculture and reducing the use of inorganic pesticides by encouraging alternatives leading to safer food for this generation and the next.


Farmers rights and the policy and legal framework in Tanzania

Abdallah Ramadhani MkindiBiographical information: Abdallah Ramadhani Mkindi holds a MSc. in Animal Science from the University of Zimbabwe, a Masters in Human Ecology from Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Belgium and a BSc in Animal Science  of the Sokoine  University of Agriculture (SUA) in Tanzania. He is the Coordinator of the Tanzania Alliance for Biodiversity which has 20 members advocating for conservation of agrobiodiversity. He has been for the past 11 years advocating for a friendly policy and legal framework that recognizes and supports farmer-saved seeds in Tanzania.
Session: The presentation will cover the Conventions, International Treaties, and Declarations which Tanzania is a Party or has supported/recognized in biodiversity and agrobiodiversity conservation in particular. He will link the above with the relevant policy and legal frameworks namely the National Agriculture Policy of 2013, Seed Act of 2003 and its Miscellaneous Amendments Act of 2014 and Plant Breeders Act of 2012 on farmers rights. The presentation will discuss further on the efforts made by TABIO and other civil society organizations in advocating for farmers rights and the success and/or challenges encountered.


Helping without Hurting in Africa (HWHIA)- Asset Based Community Development

Jonny KabiswaBiographical information: Jonny Kabiswa is a community and organizational development consultant with a deep interest in contributing to the transformation of individuals, communities, and organizations.  He has worked with various national and international development organizations at senior management and regional level, and he is currently working with Resonate Global Mission as the partnership coordination manager- Eastern and Southern Africa.  Jonny is a Ugandan and holds a master’s degree in Management and Organizational Development, a Bachelor of Science degree in Community Based Development and a Diploma in Business Management. He is also the author of the book; ‘The influence of Organizational Culture on Employee Performance’ and Co-author of ‘ Helping without Hurting in Africa-HWHIA

Session: The session will address promoting community ownership for sustainable development through Asset Based Community Development. Development starts with changing people’s mindset to believe in themselves, appreciate what is within their means- the abilities, talent, and resources and start the change with what you have. Many times, we focus on what we don’t have or our needs/inabilities and this retards or creates fear that stops us from moving a step forward.


Managing best best root crops for different environments and famine prevention

Dan JanzenBiographical information: Dan Janzen is an agricultural development missionary working in South Sudan. He acquired a Masters degree in Agriculture at Oregon State University in International Agricultural Development, Agronomy/ Horticulture. For 45 years his experience is in diversified farm management & agricultural development with experience in agroforestry, orchards, vegetables, water harvesting, drip irrigation, grafting, and Christian worldview training.
Session: Agroforestry systems have a poor record of adoption/diffusion! New innovative systems prioritize placement of highest value crops, flexibility of pruning regimes for optimal diffused shade by time of day & year, and that match to crop needs for mulch or green manure. The presentation will feature quick & easy trellising, terracing/sloping agricultural land technology (SALT) and living fences.


Macadamia Nuts an Ideal crop for smallholder farmers

Emmanuel Charles ItonyeBiographical information: Emmanuel Charles Itonye is a horticulturist, researcher, and writer working with Macadamia Africa as CEO, and also, with Macjaro Ltd as an Internal Control System (ICS) Manager and Outgrowers Manager. 
Session: This presentation will focus on introducing the macadamia crop to farmers and discussing all agronomic practices, challenges, and opportunities ahead. Using our farms and our smallholder farmer fields as model farms. Macadamia Africa works with smallholder macadamia farmers in East and Central Africa, mainly by providing agronomical direction and market linkages through social media, and field visits. Macjaro Ltd is a production company based in Kilimanjaro, they grow macadamia nuts, coffee, and bananas, but macadamia is their main business, they also have an outgrowers project in Mwanga District. Macadamia Africa and Macjaro Ltd address the key challenges in the lives of smallholder farmers, that is climate change and improved livelihoods. The macadamia tree meets both criteria, as a sustainable crop with market potential. Macjaro Ltd ( Macadamia Africa (www.kilimanjaro horticultural


Sustainable agriculture on hydroponics and aquaponics systems

Peter KyaloBiographical information: Peter Kyalo is an ‘outstanding, competent, experienced agronomist’ who is able to quickly acclimate to different environments, and open to new processes and technologies. He thinks creatively, challenges the status quo and offers novel solutions.
Session: The presentation will be about the hydroponics and aquaponics system he has installed near Arusha, its requirements for aquaponics planting and maintenance, and harvesting practices. He will describe the advantages and disadvantages of hydroponics and aquaponics systems and challenges he has dealt with. He will describe the importance of hydroponics and aquaponics systems in the country’s economy.


Panel - Climate variability and honey bee forage

Frank AdembaReguli MaranduBiographical information: Frank Ademba is affiliated by Farm Radio International as Country Program Coordinator, and Chairperson for Kilimanjaro Convivial (Slow Food International). He has an extensive experience in community development work in Tanzania, particularly in Ecological sustainable agricultural practice and providing support to small-scale farmers. In his most recent project, Frank Ademba have been using different approach of interactive radio program on Ecological sustainable agriculture practices and using the Earth Market Approach on the concept of Agro ecology toward realization of good, clean and fair food for food communities. Frank has been, presenting papers in different universities and forum in Tanzania, Kenya, Italy, Czech-Republic, Germany, Spain, Netherlands and China on agrarian regime and food sovereignty, right to food and climate change. Reguli Marandu is currently the National Coordinator for Slow Food activities in Tanzania. He has a background in development studies, international trade policy and sustainable food systems. He has been working in development sector for the past 9 years focusing on sustainable livelihoods, agriculture, gender, and youth inclusion. He contributed to several publication including “Agro-biodiversity, School Gardens and Healthy Diets”, and a book Promoting Biodiversity, Food and Sustainable Nutrition published by Routledge. He is also an alumna of the prestigious fellowship, the Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders 2017.
Session: The session will be divided among three themes: biodiversity and the hidden cultural identity, Slow Food and the future of seed sovereignty, and Food rights and regenerative actions.


Citizen Engagements on Land and Seed Rights Towards Agroecology

Pessa I. KussagaBiographical information: Pessa I. Kussaga is PELUM-Tanzania’s Farmers Seed Advocacy Officer. He holds BSc in Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness from Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) Morogoro, Tanzania. He has been engaged in implementation of different projects including helping farmers on agro-marketing, networking, and policy engagements for farmers rights.
Session:  The session will focus on PELUM Tanzania’s experience on intervention and impacts on land rights and local seed advocacy in Tanzania.


Backup or Poster Presentations


Organic farming “Kwetu” Hubs

Biographical Information: Simon Ewing is a missionary serving with Emmanuel International UK in Mwanza, Tanzania. A mechanical engineer by training, Simon is currently running an innovation trial funded by Fund for Innovation and Transformation (FIT) and GAC. This trial gives subsistence farmers the opportunity to try appropriate technologies through a local tool library. In their six years in Tanzania, Simon and his family have spent much of their time serving the local churches with holistic community development projects in the areas of sanitation, nutrition and organic conservation agriculture. In his spare time Simon enjoys experimenting with his small backyard aquaponics system. Session: Simon Ewing will share on empowering women farmers with agricultural technology hubs.

Spiritual integration in agriculture and the role of the church in development

Biographical information: Matthew VonHerbulis is the founder of Sowers of HOPE, Rwanda and has worked for several years as an agricultural missionary with the Anglican Church in Rwanda. Session: Matthew will share some of the learning from Sowers of HOPE, Rwanda, specifically regarding spiritual integration in agriculture and the role of the church in development.