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Rafter Sass Ferguson, PhD. Agroecology, political ecology. Postdoctoral Research Fellow for Bottom-up Climate Adaptation Strategies Towards a Sustainable Europe (BASE) at University of Lisbon. Principal at

Gil Penha-Lopes, PhD. Functional ecology and climate change adaptation. Lecturer on Sustainability and Co-Founder of ECOLISE. Team leader for BASE.

Hugo Oliveira. Landscape ecology, transformative learning and permaculture design. Researcher with BASE. PhD student on Interdisciplinary Landscape Management – permaculture grassroots movement in Portugal.

With guest instructors

David Avelar, Researcher at Lisbon University. PhD student in ecosystem-based adaptation to climate change and Econics. Collaboration in HortaFCUL permaculture living lab.

Catherine Bukowski. Food forestry, rural and urban development, community food forestry in the US. PhD student in agroforestry at Virginia Tech.*

Abigail Conrad, PhD. Applied anthropology, mixed-methods evaluation of farming systems, food security on permaculture farms in Malawi. Senior Analyst at Abt Associates.*

Immo Fiebrig, PhD. Sustainability assessment of permaculture systems, monitoring and evaluation. Research Fellow at Centre for Agroecology, Water, and Resilience at Coventry University (UK).

Steve Gabriel. Author of Farming the Woods: An Integrated Permaculture Approach to Growing Food and Medicinals in Temperate Forests,researcher and educator with Cornell Small Farms Program.*

Tom Henfrey, PhD. Environmental anthropology, grassroots sustainability action, community energy. Senior Researcher and Learning Programmes Coordinator at Schumacher Institute (UK), Research Fellow at BASE.

Kevin Morel. Agroecology, urban agriculture, decision making and labor productivity on microfarms. PhD student at INRA/AgroParisTech, UMR SADAPT (Sciences pour l’Action et le Développement: Activités, produits, territoires).

Eric Toensmeier. Author of The Carbon Farming Solution: A Global Toolkit of Perennial Crops and Regenerative Agriculture Practices for Climate Change Mitigation and Food Security, Senior Research Fellow at Project Drawdown.*

André Vizinho. Permaculture designer and PhD student with BASE on climate change adaptation, grassroots innovation, action research.

*remote presenters